Longlegs Horror Film Featuring Nicolas Cage Sends Shivers Down Spines

If you know anything about Longlegs, from its cryptic teasers to its eerie trailer, you probably understand that this horror film features Nicolas Cage as a serial killer. But there’s more beneath the surface.

Longlegs Horror Film Featuring Nicolas Cage Sends Shivers Down Spines

The trailer showcases familiar elements like a young female FBI agent investigating a notorious serial killer. Yet, there’s an overwhelming sense of unease and mystery. According to director Oz Perkins, that’s intentional. Perkins describes Longlegs as a pop-punk, nostalgic serial killer movie with a supernatural flavor, but he didn’t want to reveal everything at once.

The Quest for Balance

Perkins used movies such as Silence of the Lambs, Se7en, and Zodiac as references. He says, The audience sees those cues and says, OK, I understand how this will work. However, Perkins intends these references to be starting points, not strictly followed maps.

Longlegs Horror Film Featuring Nicolas Cage Sends Shivers Down Spines

Perkins has experience with arthouse horror films, like The Blackcoat’s Daughter and Gretel & Hansel. He admits he wanted to make something more accessible with Longlegs. I want to make something that more people will enjoy so it starts with something more familiar, he said.

The Enigmatic Killer Takes Shape

The concept of Longlegs had been lurking in Perkins’ mind for some time. He knew certain things about the character but likened it to recognizing someone from behind and never being entirely sure. This enigmatic description fits perfectly for a figure who would evolve into a serial killer. The film also introduces Maika Monroe in the lead role as Lee Harker, an FBI agent tasked with solving unsettling crimes. Monroe’s portrayal has already left a significant impression on audiences.

A Nod to Two Icons David Lynch and Hitchcock

Longlegs Horror Film Featuring Nicolas Cage Sends Shivers Down Spines

Nicolas Cage’s involvement added another layer to the project. Perkins says Cage read and loved the script. Rather than trying to change Cage’s unique energy, Perkins found ways to channel it into the character of Longlegs. He claims: You don’t get Nicolas Cage unless you want what he’s going to bring. And in this case, it really is right.

The director also drew inspiration from renowned filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock, known for his work in Psycho, The Birds, and more. Hitchcock’s use of dark humor and psychosexual themes heavily influenced Perkins’ approach.

An Immersive Experience Awaits Audiences

While Perkins doesn’t reveal too much about the story beyond its familiar setup, he hints that David Lynch’s work particularly influenced him. Lynch’s film Fire Walk with Me resonated deeply with him, shaping his narrative style for Longlegs.

For maximum impact, Perkins emphasizes watching Longlegs in theaters. He teases, We are hiding something under a veil… It’s more fun to pull the sheet off when there’s a lot of people watching.

Longlegs, starring Nicolas Cage and Maika Monroe, will be in theaters on July 12.

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