Lily Gladstone Discusses Native Culture and Her Role in Fancy Dance

Lily Gladstone Discusses Native Culture and Her Role in Fancy Dance

In Fancy Dance, hitting theaters in limited release this Friday, Lily Gladstone takes on the role of Jax, a Native American hustler embroiled in a dramatic search for her sister while caring for her teenage niece, Roki (played by Isabel Deroy-Olson). Directed by Erica Tremblay, Fancy Dance has already made waves at the Sundance Film Festival.

Lily Gladstone Discusses Native Culture and Her Role in Fancy Dance

Reviving Cayuga Language in Cinema

The film spotlights the endangered Cayuga language prominently, being praised as the first feature film to do so. Tremblay explains her inspiration: Seeing the strength of matrilineal ties and kinship in the language led me down a path of wanting to see that exercised in a modern setting.

Tremblay’s dedication to Native storytelling is echoed by Lily Gladstone, who received warm reception from Cayuga-language speakers after a screening in Toronto where elders expressed their joy and teared up seeing their language on the big screen for the first time.

Lily Gladstone Discusses Native Culture and Her Role in Fancy Dance

Celebrating Indigenous Voices

Tremblay’s work also seeks to address broader social issues facing Native communities. The narrative not only focuses on cultural revitalization but also brings attention to the ongoing crisis of missing Native women. Tremblay notes,We now have proof that we can and should be the stewards of our own stories, but the industry still has work to do.

A Journey Through Modern Native Life

The film’s portrayal of Jax’s determined quest with her niece highlights themes of family and resilience. As Tremblay noted,The Cayuga word for mother is ‘kno:ha’ and the word for aunt is ‘kno:ha:ah,’ which translates to ‘your small mother,’ or ‘your other mother.’

Lily Gladstone Discusses Native Culture and Her Role in Fancy Dance

Lily Gladstone’s Stellar Performance

Lily Gladstone‘s performance as Jax has been lauded for its depth and sincerity. The showcase of Native fashion adds another layer of cultural authenticity to her character, interweaving traditional elements into modern life seamlessly.

Sundance Acclaim and Future Prospects

The future looks bright for both Gladstone and Tremblay, with Fancy Dance catching significant attention and acclaim at the Sundance Film Festival. This independent film journey from festivals to large-scale platforms like Apple TV+ signifies a critical moment for Native representation in mainstream media.

Lily Gladstone Discusses Native Culture and Her Role in Fancy Dance

Tremblay remarks,I honestly never imagined I would get to travel the festival circuit with other Native filmmakers and collectively celebrate our successes. With films like these, the community’s work continues to thrive and grow, fostering new voices and perspectives.

Fancy Dance, available on Apple TV June 28, 2024, offers an insightful look into modern Native American life through rich storytelling and genuine performances.

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