What Has Lexa Doig Been Up to Since Andromeda?

What Has Lexa Doig Been Up to Since Andromeda?

Considering that the show Andromeda ended in 2005 it would seem that the cast, of which Lexa Doig was a part, might have had to hustle to find other roles in other shows and films. Lexa has kept herself fairly busy since then by appearing in other shows and a few movies here and there. However she hasn’t been seen in a movie since 2011 and her most notable role in a film was probably Rowan in Jason X. The film obviously didn’t get a lot of good press since the franchise had been dying a long and laborious death for many years, yet a lot of people still went to see it simply because it was Jason Voorhees and, well, let’s face it, he’s the whole idea when it comes the movies. Lexa put in a decent performance as a scientist that had warned against letting an imprisoned Jason go however, and of course true to form Jason got out, killed a bunch of people, and then came looking for her. It seemed that she’d gotten the upper hand however when she locked him in a cryo freezer, but of course Jason got the last laugh as he impaled her from inside the freezer by stabbing his machete through the steel door and into Rowan’s body. Yeah, that’s how bad the franchise was getting, Jason was about the equal of Superman when it came to strength.

If you don’t believe that just watch a clip.

Her acting was about as good as it can possibly get for a Friday the 13th movie which isn’t always saying a lot. But honestly and truthfully she didn’t do all that bad, it’s just that the movie was kind of a tremendous flop. But she’s done other things since her stint on the show Andromeda, and some that have been pretty good really.

In Andromeda Lexa played the AI that was essentially the ship and all that controlled it. It wasn’t as personable a role as others that she’s played but it was still one that was kind of interesting to see. In terms of talent it was something that she was forced to kind of put her otherwise charismatic nature on hold for as it demanded a more clinical and logical approach rather than something that was overly human and emotional. There’s no doubt that she’s managed to pull off a few roles in her time but this one seemed to be favored by some and not so much by others. Of course it could be said that if you didn’t watch the show then you might have not fully understood anything other than the wardrobe choice that was used for her since it was all about the sex appeal. Lexa is a very beautiful woman and Hollywood has a habit of using that to its advantage quite often. Thankfully though as time has gone on she’s proven that she’s much more than a pretty face and has the ability to perform as well as look good.


It’s not everyone that can get the drop on superheroes or look and sound awesome while doing it. Of course the one thing that needs to be said is that Lexa’s dialogue tends to be kind of overdone sometimes as though she’s being made to make up for the fact that she’s not as well known and seems expected to be sexy with every part. Here she’s fully covered and she still looks great. In fact she looks even better since she seems positively dangerous and entirely sure of herself. The years have been very kind to Lexa in terms of how she’s aged, but given that she lives a healthy lifestyle and has continued to work following her role on Andromeda you can easily assume that she’s been taking good care of herself. This is her livelihood after all.


A lot of the shows she’s guest-starred on have had their fair share of celebrities come and go and Lexa has just been one more, but the idea of it is that wherever she goes she’s bound to be someone that gets noticed; she won’t be just another extra to toss in somewhere in the production. Her talent might not be at the same level as a few others, which is debatable, but her star power is usually what seems to keep her where she’s at. Lexa is a TV star for the most part as her movie career has been on a long hiatus as of several years ago. Despite how famous TV stars can be, and they can be, they still don’t tend to rank quite as high as movie stars. Her career has been going just fine since Andromeda was taken off the air, and she’s even found a few shows to stick with for a few episodes or more.

In truth it’d be great to see if she could come and guest star on some of the more popular shows that are on AMC, like The Walking Dead.

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