Kylie Jenner Opens Up About Online Bullying and Body Image Struggles

Kylie Jenner broke down in tears on the latest episode of The Kardashians, opening up about the cruel online comments she’s faced over the years.

Kylie Jenner Opens Up About Online Bullying and Body Image Struggles

During a heart-to-heart moment with her sister, Kendall Jenner, Kylie admitted, I just hear nasty things about myself all the time. I’m kind of like, so numb to people talking about my looks at this point and I just want to know why on the internet no-one says anything or thinks that it’s okay.

Kylie’s Confession About Her Confidence

In a confessional, Kylie teared up as she revealed, Why do people think it’s okay to talk about me?

Kylie said,People have been talking about my looks since I was 13. It just gets exhausting, she said, getting teary.

Kylie Jenner Opens Up About Online Bullying and Body Image Struggles

I just feel like I’m a perfectionist and people think that I come off like I want to be perfect. But I can’t take it back, you know? she added.

The Emotional Impact of Hurtful Comments

Kylie Jenner Opens Up About Online Bullying and Body Image Struggles

Kendall also got emotional during their conversation, acknowledging that sadly something we just have to grow tough skin on.

Kylie Jenner Opens Up About Online Bullying and Body Image Struggles

The Burden of Public Scrutiny

Kylie discussed her experience of dissolving lip fillers, saying, No matter how much we talk about it, everyone’s going to think I’ve had a full facial reconstruction and so have you .

Kylie Jenner Opens Up About Online Bullying and Body Image Struggles

Kylie’s Realities Versus Public Perceptions

Reflecting on her journey, Kylie said,‘One of the biggest misconceptions about me is that I was like this insecure child and I got so much surgery to change’.

The Sisterly Support System

Kendall’s empathy and support were palpable in this touching scene where both sisters comforted each other.

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