Kylie Jenner Melts Hearts Singing ABCs with Son Aire

Kylie Jenner is back with her viral melodies, this time charming fans by singing with her two-year-old son, Aire. The reality TV star, known for her 2019 hit song ‘Rise and Shine’, shared a video on Instagram featuring the enchanting mother-son duo singing the ABCs while seated at their dining table.

Kylie Jenner Melts Hearts Singing ABCs with Son Aire

Kylie captioned the post referencing her famous tune, stating, aire was born a little late for rise and shine but he sure knows my beautiful abcs. In the clip, Aire enthusiastically requested his mother to sing again by shouting, ‘Again!’ This tender moment quickly won over many hearts online.

Kylie Jenner Melts Hearts Singing ABCs with Son Aire

Jenner’s 2019 ‘Rise and Shine’ performance went viral when she used it as a wake-up call for her daughter Stormi during a tour of her Kylie Cosmetics office. Her three-word melody significantly impacted pop culture, drawing attention from other celebrities including pop star Ariana Grande.

Kylie Jenner Melts Hearts Singing ABCs with Son Aire

In the new video with Aire, Kylie beautifully belted out the alphabet song while encouraging Aire’s participation. This endearing display highlights not only their close bond but also how significantly motherhood has influenced Jenner. She has previously shared that motherhood gave her a deeper appreciation for her own mother Kris Jenner, stating in an interview with Harper’s Bazaar Arabia: When I became a mother, my perspective on life completely changed… Now I can understand the way that she feels about me…

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