Jerry Seinfeld Talks About the Evolution of Masculinity

On the recent episode of the Honestly with Bari Weiss podcast, comedy legend Jerry Seinfeld shared some intriguing thoughts about masculinity. He admitted that his comedy career has taken him on a rather childish journey, but that hasn’t changed his perspective on what it means to be a ‘real man.’ I like a real man.

Jerry Seinfeld Talks About the Evolution of Masculinity

Longing for the Past Icons

Seinfeld reminisced about icons of masculinity from his childhood, mentioning names like John F. Kennedy, Muhammad Ali, Sean Connery, and Howard Cosell. These figures, he claims, are sadly missing from today’s landscape. Muhammad Ali. To underscore Ali’s impact, he participated in a live virtual event titled Champion of Service: Celebrating Muhammad Ali back in 2022, illustrating Ali’s continuing significance. Seinfeld noted that these icons exemplified attributes such as charm and grace, traits which resonated deeply with him.

Jerry Seinfeld Talks About the Evolution of Masculinity

Navigating Modern Masculinity

Seinfeld anticipated some backlash for his views, cheekily stating, Thank you, thank you. Yet he pressed on, expressing his nostalgia for an era when there was an unspoken hierarchy in society—a concept he perceives as having vanished.

Jerry Seinfeld Talks About the Evolution of Masculinity

A Nod to His Costar

The conversation also turned to his new Netflix comedy Unfrosted, which he joked was inspired by the testosterone-fueled battle between Post and Kellogg in the ’60s. During this light-hearted moment, Seinfeld pointed to his costar Hugh Grant as an epitome of charm and manhood. He’s comfortable at dinner parties, and knows how to get a drink.

Jerry Seinfeld Talks About the Evolution of Masculinity

A Controversial Standpoint

Jerry Seinfeld’s take on masculinity might ruffle some feathers, but there’s no denying he’s committed to expressing his views openly. From admiring historical figures who captivated millions with their charisma and strength to pondering the losses in today’s societal fabric, Seinfeld continues to be unafraid to speak his mind.

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