10 Things You Didn’t Know about Jake Weber

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Jake Weber

As actor, Jake Weber’s skillset allows him to appeal to wide range of people viewers from different generations. Younger fans may recognize him from the Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why. More seasoned viewers may know him from things like Something Wilder and American Gothic. Weber brings a serious presence to the screen that is undeniable. After 30 years in the business, Jake Weber has shown the world that he can stand the test of time, and he still has a lot more work to do. Keep reading for 10 things you didn’t know about Jake Weber.

1. He Went To Juilliard

Formal training can really make the difference for a person’s acting career. When it comes to the performing arts, there’s no name in education quite as big as Juilliard. Weber trained at Juilliard as well as the Summerhill Schoo in England.

2. His Mother Died When He Was A Child

Jake Weber lost his mother to suicide when he was just 8-years-old. In an interview with People, he said, “That was a seminal moment, and it changed my brother and me forever. It was one of those things you dread, and when it happened finally, your worst fear is realized. Now on our own with our father, an extremely dangerous man, and without her we were screwed.”

3. He Used To Hide His British Roots

Despite being born in England, Jake moved to the United States when he was a teen. Over the years, he lost most of his British accent. For most his early life in America, Weber avoided telling people that he was British because he felt he had reinvented himself in his new country. These days, however, he’s more open to discussing his roots.

4. He Likes To Play Different Types Of Characters

Being typecast is something that many actors dread. Being boxed in as only being able to play one type of role can seriously limit opportunities. Fortunately, this isn’t something that Jake Weber has had to deal with. He enjoys playing different types of roles and has chosen his characters wisely throughout the years.

5. He Doesn’t Share Much About His Personal Life

Like any other actor, Jake Weber likes to be acknowledged for his work. But outside of that, he doesn’t need a lot of attention. Jake Weber prefers to keep his private life out of the public and he isn’t the type of star you’ll likely see all over the gossip blogs.

6. He Taught A Master Class

Jake Weber is constantly working to improve his craft, and last year he decided to share his skills with others. In the summer of 2019, he taught a master class in California. The class aimed to help actors “by opening up channels and loosening the reins so that you can access and have confidence in your thing. If you trust that, you will secure a stronger purchase in this industry.”

7. He’s Not Active On Social Media

Lots of celebrities are active on social media as a way to market themselves and keep in touch with their fans. However, it looks like Jake’s social media days are behind him. Although he has an account on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, he hasn’t been active on any of them since 2016. The fact that he is such a private person probably contributes to him not wanting to be on social media.

8. His Brother Is An Actor

Having acting chops definitely rungs in the Weber family. Jake’s brother, Charlie Weber is also a successful actor. Charlie is best-known for playing the role of Frank Delfino on the hit series How to Get Away with Murder.

9. He Smuggled Drugs With His Father

Jake’s father, Tommy, wasn’t what you’d consider father of the year material. Although he tried his best, he did a lot of things that set bad examples for his children. When Jake was a kid, his father used him as a drug mule to sneak cocaine into across the English boarder and into Ireland. Even though he had a turbulent childhood, as an adult Weber has done his best to create a stable environment for himself and his family.

10. He’s In The Rolling Stones In Exile

At their peak, The Rolling Stones were one of the biggest bands in the world. When Weber was 8-years-old, he got the chance to meet The Stones. He even appears in the documentary, The Rolling Stones in Exile, which was released in 2010.

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