Inside Out 2 Preview Screenings Earn $13 Million, Setting 2024 Record

After nearly a decade, Pixar’s beloved characters from Inside Out are back in Inside Out 2, which debuted to an impressive $13 million in preview screenings, marking the biggest preview for any movie in 2024.

Inside Out 2 Preview Screenings Earn $13 Million, Setting 2024 Record

Introducing the New Characters

The sequel introduces new emotions like Anxiety, Embarrassment, Envy, and Ennui taking on pivotal roles. These anthropomorphized characters continue to control Riley’s evolving mind as she navigates her teenage years. Dr. Dacher Keltner and other experts have been pivotal in ensuring the psychological depth of these characters.

A Successor to a Classic Hit

The original film from 2015 was a huge box office hit, grossing more than $850 million worldwide. The nuanced portrayal of emotions struck a chord with audiences globally. Director Pete Docter previously noted, There’s no sequel idea from me at this point. Never say never.

Cultural Resonance and Reception

Offering insights into the dynamics of human emotions, both films have resonated with audiences young and old. Clinical social worker Kristi Zybulewski mentions that many teenagers find solace in the movie’s depiction of feelings, saying, The movie gives kids an ’emotional vocabulary’ so they can name their feelings and…supports what I tell my students in therapy: ‘All emotions are welcome.’…They’re all meaningful.

Inside Out 2 Preview Screenings Earn $13 Million, Setting 2024 Record

Anxiety Takes Center Stage

New emotional challenges arise as Riley enters puberty; Anxiety takes almost complete control over her mind while suppressing other emotions like Joy and Sadness. Psychologist Lisa Damour explains the prominence of this character: Anxiety can imagine all of the things that can go wrong and worry about them.

A Helpful Tool for Emotional Growth

The impact of these films extends beyond entertainment; they serve as educational tools for emotional intelligence. As Damour highlights, these movies help validate difficult feelings and demonstrate the importance of embracing them.

Inside Out 2 Preview Screenings Earn $13 Million, Setting 2024 Record

Continued Engagement with Professionals

Pete Docter has engaged professionals like Dr. Dacher Keltner to maintain scientific accuracy about human psychology. This commitment ensures that Inside Out 2‘s narrative holds genuine relevance for its audience.

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