Inside No. 9 Concludes With Star-Studded and Emotional Finale

Forget the latest election special, Wednesday night’s TV was all about number nine. Inside No. 9 (BBC Two) concluded with a touching tribute to the friendship between its creators, Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith. Of course, it was packaged within a cynical showbiz satire, preserving their trademark edge.

After 55 mini masterpieces in this darkly comic anthology, Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith decided to end the series following the ninth series. Known for its unexpected twists, Inside No. 9 has offered silent episodes, backwards narratives, cryptic crossword clues, and faux-live plots during its run.

This tightly kept finale surprised audiences with its plot and guest stars. Set at the series wrap party – notably in the venue’s gender-neutral toilets – this episode featured a cascade of familiar faces.

Inside No. 9 Concludes With Star-Studded and Emotional Finale

Tim Key and Katherine Parkinson (or Amanda Abbington?) even shared a cubicle for a drug-related gag that saw Anne Reid asking for a quick toot. Gradually, as the storyline unfolded, Pemberton and Shearsmith weighed up their next moves post-Inside No. 9. The quips continued with Nick Mohammed playing himself as a self-obsessed podcast host, and Mark Gatiss portraying a disloyal luvvie.

Inside No. 9 Concludes With Star-Studded and Emotional Finale

The final twist included an On The Buses homage featuring Robin Askwith – hyped up as the most promoted episode of this season. Pemberton had previously hoaxed fans with news of his character’s upcoming Amazon role falling through during the montage of highlights that received applause from the cast.

Inside No. 9 Concludes With Star-Studded and Emotional Finale

End of an Era

Anyone who has followed Inside No. 9 over the last decade knows that it has constantly kept audiences on their toes, setting high expectations for finale plots. This episode captured long-time partnerships’ complexities perfectly while keeping viewers amused with witty references and callbacks to past episodes.

Inside No. 9 Concludes With Star-Studded and Emotional Finale

Pemberton and Shearsmith delivered every episode themselves – a remarkable accomplishment maintaining consistently high standards. Of course, creator duo signed off with characteristic nonchalance stating: It’s only a TV programme… just another line on your CV, emphasizing how this stellar show will be sorely missed by devoted fans.

A Tribute Worthy Finale

The dark humor showed no signs of weariness as evidenced by blending different tones ranging from high farce to tragedy. It forever broke conventions across multiple episodes like “Dead Line” that kept live audiences genuinely disturbed thinking something had gone wrong while blurring reality & fiction lines seamlessly blending terror into delightful meta-narratives.

Inside No. 9 Concludes With Star-Studded and Emotional Finale

Pemberton revealed they’ve often discussed bringing Inside No. 9 to stage:

Pemberton also revealed that he and Shearsmith ‘still talk about’ the possibility of a live stage show inspired by the series…’don’t be surprised if you see that coming to fruition.’

A Shapeshifting Legacy

The show has been part of BBC Two’s hidden gems though it never received recognition it deserved tucked away on weeknight slots tapping format classics like Alfred Hitchcock Presents or The Twilight Zone merging tales steeped unexpected imagination without inhibitions wrapping diverse ambitious narratives adapting inspirations vast horizons all while maintaining originality thematic flair making Inside No timeless collectible offering viewers rich tapestry interconnected stories celebrating storytelling in purest form wrapped sardonic twists finishing group photos symbolic finales beautifully bittersweet bid adieu>.

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