How to Follow Miranda Derrick and Other Dancers from ‘Dancing for the Devil’ on Social Media

Miranda Derrick’s Involvement with 7M Films

Pastor Robert Shinn has been at the center of headlines recently after Netflix debuted an explosive documentary titled Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult. This series dropped on May 29 and has sparked widespread interest, particularly around dancer Miranda Derrick.

How to Follow Miranda Derrick and Other Dancers from ‘Dancing for the Devil’ on Social Media

This new docuseries claims Miranda was being held against her will by Shinn’s religious sect. Her family has been vocal, especially her sister Melanie Wilking.

How to Follow Miranda Derrick and Other Dancers from ‘Dancing for the Devil’ on Social Media

7M Films and Shekinah Church

The investigation reveals how Shinn’s entities—7M Films and the Shekinah Church—are linked, with several former members criticizing them as a cult.

How to Follow Miranda Derrick and Other Dancers from ‘Dancing for the Devil’ on Social Media

Shinn founded Shekinah in 1994 and also manages 7M Films, which represents TikTok influencers. His management style has since come under scrutiny with various allegations surfacing.

Legal Actions and Testimonies

The filing names Shinn and his entities along with 17 others.An attorney for Shinn did not immediately respond to Rolling Stone‘s request for comment on the new filing.

Pushing further, Netflix uncovered testimony from past dancers who felt isolated and brainwashed. This notion aligns with Lydia Chung’s 2009 trial claims, where she accused Shinn of brainwashing and defrauding her.

How to Follow Miranda Derrick and Other Dancers from ‘Dancing for the Devil’ on Social Media

The Impact on Families

The docuseries dives deep into how these practices affected families, showing footage from Miranda’s family’s Instagram Live video.Robert and 7M Films came under increased scrutiny in 2022 when dancer Miranda Derrick and her husband James became estranged from Miranda’s family.

The trailer for the docuseries begins with scenes involving the heart-wrenching reactions of families torn apart by alleged manipulations.

First-hand Accounts

This isn’t just limited to one family. Other dancers from 7M Films have come forward, corroborating similar control narratives.

How to Follow Miranda Derrick and Other Dancers from ‘Dancing for the Devil’ on Social Media

Closing Thoughts

This docuseries shines a spotlight on figures like Miranda Derrick within Robert Shinn’s controversial orbit. Concerns about cult practices have repeatedly arisen, drawing significant media scrutiny. Could this be a case of elaborate manipulation cloaked under religious beliefs?

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