Golden Bachelor Contestants Talk Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist’s Divorce

Golden Bachelor Contestants Talk Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist’s Divorce

Susan Noles is offering her take on Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist’s recent split. Appearing on SiriusXM’s The Jess Cagle Show, the former Golden Bachelor contestant shed light on the breakup that has stirred Bachelor Nation.

Noles speaks up for Turner

Susan Noles was candid during her interview, stating, I’ve gotta support this man a little bit. I feel like he got the raw end of it. Explaining further, Noles pointed out, Theresa decided not to move and not to quit her job. He got frustrated. Who can blame him? I would’ve never said I would move to that place.

Kathy Swarts’ perspective

Fellow Golden Bachelor alum Kathy Swarts also commented on the SiriusXM show. She acknowledged both sides, saying, Gerry’s a nice guy. Theresa’s a lovely lady. S**t happens. Sorry. It does.

Golden Bachelor Contestants Talk Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist’s Divorce

Swarts humorously added, Gerry made a huge—let me emphasize, huge mistake. He could’ve had Susan. He could’ve had me. Not really, but let’s just go with it for a moment.

The logistics behind the split

Noles elaborated that logistics played a significant role in their breakup. As Susan mentioned, the couple initially planned to settle in South Carolina. Theresa even shared, On the first date, he spoke to me about possibly moving to the Charleston area… I said, ‘Well, wow.’ However, things changed post-show as they couldn’t reconcile their living situations.

Golden Bachelor Contestants Talk Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist’s Divorce

The relationship dynamics became more evident when Theresa expressed how much they leaned on public support during challenging times: We have received so much love and support from so many people who watch the ‘Golden Bachelor’ …

Troubles in paradise

Theresa Nist, 70, wrote about watching the series amidst disputes with Kathy Swarts: This past episode was a bit hard for me to watch… Such moments added strain to an already delicate relationship.

A grim cautionary tale

Kathy Swarts further reflected on their fleeting romance: I think they got caught up in the moment… We watched them fall in love…

Golden Bachelor Contestants Talk Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist’s Divorce

Gerry Turner‘s own statement underscored this sentiment when he said, “I know I’ve found a full partner to share all of life’s experiences that are thrown at us.” Yet despite such declarations, their union dissolved merely months after their on-screen wedding.

The toll of separation on Joan Vassos

As Gerry and Theresa deal with their split, another familiar face emerges: Joan Vassos steps into the spotlight as the new star of ‘The Golden Bachelorette’. Joan has been vocal about her priorities and emphasized family commitment over romantic pursuits: I think you almost have to live a dual life. I’ll never leave my family…

Golden Bachelor Contestants Talk Gerry Turner and Theresa Nist’s Divorce

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