Glen Powell’s New Netflix Movie Hit Man Disappoints Despite Rave Reviews

Glen Powell’s New Netflix Movie Hit Man Disappoints Despite Rave Reviews

Glen Powell’s path to becoming a Hollywood powerhouse has been clear for some time now. While he earned accolades for roles in blockbusters like Top Gun: Maverick and the rom-com Anyone But You, it’s his recent Netflix release, Hit Man, that was supposed to solidify his status. Unfortunately, despite the initial buzz, this film turned out to be quite the letdown.

Richard Linklater’s Missed Opportunity

Glen Powell’s New Netflix Movie Hit Man Disappoints Despite Rave Reviews

The seasoned director Richard Linklater, known for iconic films like Boyhood and Dazed and Confused, helms this project. However, unlike his previous successes, there’s something lacking in Hit Man. Though the premise promises intrigue—a high school teacher moonlighting as an undercover hitman—the execution is less than stellar.

An Unconvincing Romance

Glen Powell’s New Netflix Movie Hit Man Disappoints Despite Rave Reviews

The central romance between Powell’s character Gary Johnson and Adria Arjona’s Madison is clichéd and lacks genuine chemistry. Despite Adria Arjona noting that her contributions to dialogue and sex scenes were valued (I wasn’t expecting my input to be so welcomed), the interactions between characters feel forced rather than organic.

An Unremarkable Performance by Glen Powell

Glen Powell’s New Netflix Movie Hit Man Disappoints Despite Rave Reviews

Powell’s attempt at diversifying his characters as part of an undercover hitman gig falls flat. Although he demonstrated promise with various roles prior, here, his multifaceted protagonist doesn’t translate to a compelling performance. Previously lauded efforts, including criticisms from Rolling Stone’s David Fear in which he noted Powell could make you suspend disbelief more than a few times… yet your faith in him remains unshaken, don’t quite carry over.

The Storyline: An Unoriginal and Predictable Plot

The plot of Hit Man tries too hard to juggle comedy and darkness without effectively grounding either element. The storyline becomes muddled, resulting in a narrative that drags without delivering any noteworthy punches. The underlying themes about deception and identity are barely scratched upon, making the film feel shallow compared to its potential depth.

Directorial Oversights

Glen Powell’s New Netflix Movie Hit Man Disappoints Despite Rave Reviews

Linklater’s direction fails to maintain a steady pace, making certain sequences unnecessarily long while rushing through potentially impactful scenes. Even with engaging elements like a high-stakes car chase or a confrontation with mafia assassins (focus_on) seen parallel to visual spectacles like the fireworks-adorned chases from comic renditions like Clint versus Ivan’s mafia, the film misses out on creating lasting impressions.

A Mishmash of Genres That Doesn’t Deliver

This romantic comedy noir hybrid tries to touch multiple genres but ultimately doesn’t do justice to any particular one. Critics like The Guardian’s Peter Bradshaw stated it wants to be a hit but deserves otherwise. In trying to mix humor with crime drama, it waters down both aspects rather than blending them successfully.

Critics’ Mixed Feelings Reflect Viewers’ Disappointment

The movie currently holds disappointing scores among critics who were initially optimistic based on early previews. Even though actors had positive things to say about their experiences, such as Roeper’s praise for Powell’s versatility (sizzling chemistry with co-star Adria Arjona), it doesn’t save the overall film from mediocrity.

Avoidable Misfire for Netflix Enthusiasts

If there’s any redeeming factor, it will be for ardent fans of Richard Linklater who might appreciate his attempt at blending genres (focus_on). However, if you’re seeking a genuinely engaging film experience this weekend, there are undoubtedly better choices in Netflix’s vast library of offerings rather than this disjointed effort titled Hit Man.

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