Glen Powell Recalls Tom Cruise’s Helicopter Prank and Other Top Gun Maverick Memories

Glen Powell recently shared a fascinating anecdote about Tom Cruise that offers a glimpse into their dynamic during the filming of Top Gun: Maverick. In an interview with GQ UK magazine, Powell recounted some memorable experiences, highlighting how they became close friends during the production.

Glen Powell Recalls Tom Cruise’s Helicopter Prank and Other Top Gun Maverick Memories

Where It All Began

Originally auditioning for the role of Rooster, Powell was ultimately outpaced by Miles Teller. Despite this, Cruise offered him the role of Hangman, recognizing Powell’s potential. What we were talking about is, how can Hangman service the story and give the flavor of the original ‘Top Gun’ that you need? Powell recalled telling Cruise while discussing his character.

Teller followed a rigorous training regime to prepare for his role, attempting to emulate Hugh Jackman’s physique as Wolverine. This dedication resonated throughout the cast, enhancing the film’s authenticity.

The Helicopter Prank

A particularly cherished memory for Powell involved Cruise personally flying him from Pinewood Studios in a helicopter. According to Powell, Cruise played a prank by pretending the helicopter was malfunctioning. Tom goes ‘oh no, oh no,’ and he starts dropping the helicopter over London, Powell said. This moment left Powell anxiously questioning if they’d crash. Glen Powell Recalls Tom Cruise’s Helicopter Prank and Other Top Gun Maverick Memories

Cruise’s Film School

Cruise’s commitment to filmmaking extended beyond pranks. He once invited Powell to a theater for what turned out to be a solo viewing experience of a six-hour film school video made by Cruise. As Powell described it, [Cruise] is like: ‘Do we all agree that this is what a camera is? This is the difference between a film camera and a digital camera.’ Such dedication showcases why Cruise is renowned for his comprehensive involvement in his projects.Glen Powell Recalls Tom Cruise’s Helicopter Prank and Other Top Gun Maverick Memories

Cruise’s Career Advice

Tom Cruise also imparted valuable career advice to Powell. Reflecting on their conversations, Powell shared how Cruise emphasized the importance of movies telegraphing universal emotions and addressing anxieties relatable to everyone.

Pivotal Roles and Future Prospects

Maverick continues to influence Powell’s career trajectory. For instance, he stars as Ben in Anyone But You, acting opposite Sydney Sweeney in this Sony Pictures’ romantic comedy.Glen Powell Recalls Tom Cruise’s Helicopter Prank and Other Top Gun Maverick Memories

Powell also co-stars in this summer’s anticipated blockbuster Twisters, showcasing his versatility and marketability as a leading man in Hollywood.Glen Powell Recalls Tom Cruise’s Helicopter Prank and Other Top Gun Maverick Memories

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