General Hospital Weekly Spoilers Highlight Dramatic Saves and Surprising Revelations

New spoilers for General Hospital, running from Monday, June 10 to Friday, June 14, have been released. Expect tension, drama, and emotional moments as the beloved soap continues to captivate viewers. Sonny confronts Dex, Carly strives to save Jason, and Laura gets shocking news.

Sonny Confronts Dex in a Heated Scene

The next moments are bound to be intense as Sonny will confront Dex for causing this tragic accident. He holds him responsible for the chaos that has ensued. Viewers will be on the edge of their seats during Sonny’s fiery confrontation with Dex. General Hospital Weekly Spoilers Highlight Dramatic Saves and Surprising Revelations

Carly Races to Save Jason

Carly finds herself in a desperate race against time to save Jason. The best friends find themselves in a precarious situation requiring all of Carly’s strength and cunning. Jason is struggling with decisions amidst the chaos around him. This episode is bound to keep fans glued to their screens.General Hospital Weekly Spoilers Highlight Dramatic Saves and Surprising Revelations

Emotions Run High During Gregory’s Will Reading

A significant plot moment unfolds as emotions escalate when Gregory’s final will is read aloud, revealing secrets that will alter lives.

Emotions run high as Gregory’s final will is read aloud, revealing secrets that could change everything for those gathered.

Wedding Bells for Brook Lynn and Chase

This week also features the picturesque wedding of Brook Lynn and Chase—a highlights that fans won’t want to miss!

As Amanda Setton noted, it’s a quintessential, big, long, detailed, beautiful soap opera wedding. It really feels like a throwback to the good old days. Tune in for all the elaborate festivities celebrating this much-loved pairGeneral Hospital Weekly Spoilers Highlight Dramatic Saves and Surprising Revelations

Laura Receives Shocking News

The normally unflappable Laura will receive some shocking news that may shake her world. General Hospital Weekly Spoilers Highlight Dramatic Saves and Surprising Revelations Genie Francis brilliantly captures this transformative moment with a performance sure to resonate deeply with fans.

A Fond Farewell to Gregory Harrison

Following last week’s emotional farewell episode for Gregory Harrison (played by Michael Easton), cast members gathered to share heartfelt stories and memories about their colleague. The poignant send-off featured touching scenes between him and his son Finn, underscoring this character’s lasting impact.General Hospital Weekly Spoilers Highlight Dramatic Saves and Surprising Revelations

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