Gayle King Talks About Oprah Winfrey’s Recent Hospitalization

Recently, Oprah Winfrey faced a health scare that led to her hospitalization due to severe stomach issues. According to her longtime friend, Gayle King, Oprah was suffering from a stomach flu that had her excreting from ‘both ends’. On Tuesday’s edition of CBS Mornings, Gayle opened up about the condition, hoping this candidness wouldn’t upset Oprah.

Gayle King Talks About Oprah Winfrey’s Recent Hospitalization

She had some kind of stomach thing where – stomach flu where stuff was coming out of both ends. I won’t get too graphic, Gayle shared.But needless to say, she ended up in the hospital, dehydration, she had an IV, so it was a very serious thing.

Gayle King Talks About Oprah Winfrey’s Recent Hospitalization

An Update on Oprah’s Health

When asked about the current state of Oprah’s health, Gayle assured viewers, She will be okay. She will be okay. The news comes five months after Oprah admitted to using weight-loss medications. Despite some initial concerns about sharing these personal details, Gayle expressed her hope that Oprah wouldn’t be mad at her for revealing this information.

Gayle King Talks About Oprah Winfrey’s Recent Hospitalization

A Tough Year for Oprah

This incident adds to the ongoing health challenges for the media mogul. Last year, Oprah made headlines with her documentary exploring weight-loss drugs such as Ozempic. In a press statement, she said, It is a very personal topic for me and for the hundreds of millions of people impacted around the globe who have for years struggled with weight and obesity.

Gayle King Talks About Oprah Winfrey’s Recent Hospitalization

The Journey Through Weight Loss

Her size has been a recurring topic throughout her decades-long career. Oprah confessed to People magazine how her struggle with weight took up much mental space over the years. After knee surgery in 2021, physical rehabilitation helped her adopt healthy habits which positively influenced her weight loss journey.

Gayle King Talks About Oprah Winfrey’s Recent Hospitalization

After knee surgery, I started hiking and setting new distance goals each week. I could eventually hike three to five miles every day and a 10-mile straight-up hike on weekends. I felt stronger, more fit and more alive than I’d felt in years, Oprah said about her journey.

Gayle King Talks About Oprah Winfrey’s Recent Hospitalization

A Continued Battle with Weight

The television icon also shared details about her diet regimen which includes eating her last meal at 4 PM and adhering to Weight Watchers principles. Despite initially feeling the need to prove her willpower without medication, she has since adjusted this perspective.

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