Exploring Doctor Who’s ‘Rogue’ Gallery and Its Hidden Cameos

Spoilers and Teases in Rogue

Warning: Spoilers ahead for Doctor Who season 14, episode 6, “Rogue.” The episode combines self-contained adventures with subtle nods to other ongoing mysteries. Susan Twist’s cameo was brief and easily overlooked, while Ncuti Gatwa is set to take over as the new Doctor, with his inaugural episode airing during the 2023 holiday season.

Exploring Doctor Who’s ‘Rogue’ Gallery and Its Hidden Cameos

The Shalka Doctor and the Hologram

The episode features a holographic parade of former Doctors, among which appears an unfamiliar face that looks strikingly like Richard E Grant. This could indicate the reintegration of the Shalka Doctor into the franchise’s timeline. Richard E Grant voiced an animated Ninth Doctor in 2003’s Scream of the Shalka. Though initially meant to be part of the show’s main continuity, it was set aside when Christopher Eccleston became the Ninth Doctor in 2005.

The Toymaker’s Meddling

The Toymaker, portrayed by Neil Patrick Harris, made his impact known during the 60th-anniversary specials. David Tennant’s Fourteenth Doctor encountered him in “The Giggle,” where he stated, I made a jigsaw out of [the Doctor’s] history. This opens up possibilities for integrating non-canonical regenerations into the official lore. Exploring Doctor Who’s ‘Rogue’ Gallery and Its Hidden Cameos

Reviving Past Stories

An example of such integration is Paul McGann’s Eighth Doctor being half-human, a plot point from the 1996 movie. This continuity issue can now be attributed to the Toymaker. Similarly, past actors like Rowan Atkinson from The Curse of Fatal Death could also reappear.

As we await Gatwa’s reign as Fifteenth Doctor, it’s clear that The Toymaker’s influence will continue to loom over future episodes. His interventions could pave the way for alternate versions of the Doctor from comics and novels to transition into live-action portrayals.

Toymaker’s Legacy and Future Implications

The Toymaker’s actions extend beyond simple meddling. As mentioned by Dr. Josef Schmid: It doesn’t matter that the space station is traveling 17,500 mph and in constant motion. This quote resonates with how holoportation technology is revolutionizing interactions within the show.Exploring Doctor Who’s ‘Rogue’ Gallery and Its Hidden Cameos With this technology, past Doctors and alternate timelines re-emerge seamlessly within narratives.

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