Every Better Call Saul Season, Ranked From Best To Worst

Every Better Call Saul Season, Ranked From Best To Worst

As a prequel to the iconic Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul carved its own path to critical acclaim. Each season brought something unique to the table, whether it was character development, storytelling, or just sheer entertainment value. In this article, we’ll take a dive into each season of Better Call Saul, ranking them from the very best to the least favored based on narrative complexity, character arcs, critical reception, and fan response.

1. Better Call Saul Season 5

The fifth season of Better Call Saul stands out as a pinnacle of television storytelling. The transformation of Jimmy McGill into the flamboyant Saul Goodman is not only imminent but executed with such finesse that it’s impossible not to be captivated. That’s similar to Breaking Bad, too. This very slow buildup as we go up the roller-coaster ramp and then, it starts going downhill, it just cannot stop. And that’s where we are in season five, which we’re shooting right now, perfectly encapsulates the thrilling narrative trajectory of this season. With the formidable Gus Fring’s meth lab construction and Lalo Salamanca’s brewing conflict with Gus setting the stage for an explosive storyline, Season 5 is a masterclass in building tension and delivering payoff.

Every Better Call Saul Season, Ranked From Best To Worst

The season also marks a dark and gritty tone, closely resembling its predecessor Breaking Bad, while still maintaining its unique identity. As Jimmy explains to Kim about practicing under his new alias after his reinstatement to the bar, we witness a pivotal moment in television history. Critics have even gone so far as to say, Saul’s fifth season wrapped two weeks ago, and it’s actually the best thing on television. It’s this combination of plot intricacy and character depth that places Season 5 at the top of our list.

2. Better Call Saul Season 4

The fourth season is a close contender for the top spot with its major turning points and character developments. We witness the aftermath of Chuck’s death which sends ripples through Jimmy’s life and sets him on a path that ultimately leads to his transformation into Saul Goodman. The end of the finale left us anticipating this change with bated breath: The transformation of Jimmy McGill into Breaking Bad’s Saul Goodman is imminent, signaling a profound shift in our protagonist’s journey.

Every Better Call Saul Season, Ranked From Best To Worst

Season 4 also expands on the Salamanca drug empire and introduces new problems for Mike as Werner’s slip-up regarding the lab location comes to light. It sets up explosive events for Season 5 and solidifies its place as one of the most pivotal seasons in the series.

3. Better Call Saul Season 3

The third season stands out for its portrayal of the complex relationship between Jimmy and Chuck McGill. The intense courtroom scene dubbed Chicanery is a courtroom drama at its very best, is a testament to this dynamic. This episode alone has tied with others from Season 5 as one of the highest-rated episodes across the entire series.

Every Better Call Saul Season, Ranked From Best To Worst

This season represents a turning point where Jimmy begins to shed his desire to practice law ethically, pushed by his tumultuous relationship with Chuck. It’s a critical season that deepens our understanding of Jimmy’s character and sets up his eventual embrace of his alter ego, Saul Goodman.

4. Better Call Saul Season 2

In its second outing, Better Call Saul builds upon its solid foundation with subplots like Mike’s burgeoning involvement with the cartel hinting at deeper narratives to come. We see Jimmy McGill struggling between his past as a con artist and his aspirations as a lawyer—a conflict that is central to his character throughout the series.

Every Better Call Saul Season, Ranked From Best To Worst

This season also references Saul Goodman’s introduction period in Breaking Bad, providing fans with more insight into his evolution from Jimmy McGill to the colorful attorney we know from Breaking Bad. While perhaps not as groundbreaking as later seasons, it remains an essential chapter in Jimmy’s transformation.

5. Better Call Saul Season 6

The final season had high expectations to meet, tasked with wrapping up storylines and providing closure to fans who had been following these characters for years. While some felt it had pacing issues or left unresolved questions, others believe it achieved a beautiful ending after holding viewers spellbound for almost a decade.

Every Better Call Saul Season, Ranked From Best To Worst

The anticipation for this finale was palpable: Sure, Saul has one final season to go, and we’ve seen the greatest of television thrones melt down in their final act, but by many accounts, Better Call Saul managed to deliver a satisfying conclusion that honored its characters and story arcs.

6. Better Call Saul Season 1

The first season faced the daunting task of establishing itself as more than just a spin-off of Breaking Bad. It laid down the groundwork for what would become an intricate exploration of Jimmy McGill’s life before he became Saul Goodman. The deception in its premise is part of what makes it brilliant—introducing viewers to a character they thought they knew but showing them an entirely different side.

Every Better Call Saul Season, Ranked From Best To Worst

This initial season may not have had the same dramatic intensity or complexity as later seasons, but it was crucial in establishing characters and setting up storylines that would unfold throughout the series.

In conclusion, each season of Better Call Saul brought something unique to Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould’s crimescape universe. From Jimmy McGill’s ethical dilemmas to his full embrace as Saul Goodman—each chapter contributed significantly to what is widely regarded as one of television’s finest shows. Feel free to share your own rankings and thoughts on this remarkable series!

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