Eddie Murphy Talks New Comedy with Martin Lawrence and Their Kids’ Relationship

Eddie Murphy is cooking up something special, and fans of classic comedies couldn’t be more intrigued. Murphy recently revealed plans for a remake of It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, a 1963 classic that’s cherished by many.

Eddie Murphy Talks New Comedy with Martin Lawrence and Their Kids’ Relationship

During an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Murphy excitedly shared that he’s been developing this project for years. I got this other idea for something with Martin. I’ve been developing it for years. Did you ever see a movie It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World? Well, I got a script, it will be delivered any minute now written by Jez Butterworth [Dial of Destiny, Ford v Ferrari] and I’m trying to do a remake of that movie.

Eddie Murphy Talks New Comedy with Martin Lawrence and Their Kids’ Relationship

The original film directed by Stanley Kramer starred an all-star cast including Spencer Tracy, Milton Berle, Sid Caesar, and Mickey Rooney. Murphy mentioned the importance of the original’s ensemble cast, hinting that he aims to gather a formidable lineup of comedians who have shone over the last three decades. It’s one of my favorite movies of all time and if I do it, if the script turns out right, it’s gonna be a cast of all the who’s who of comedians. Anybody that was funny over the last 30 years is going to be in this movie.

In terms of casting, Murphy is eyeing some big names and has already dropped Martin Lawrence into the fold in these early stages. If everything falls into place, it would mark their first collaboration since the 1999 film Life.

Eddie Murphy Talks New Comedy with Martin Lawrence and Their Kids’ Relationship

The prospect has fans thrilled as they eagerly await more details on this ambitious project.

Eddie Murphy Talks New Comedy with Martin Lawrence and Their Kids’ Relationship

A Family Ties Connection

The revelation came shortly after another interesting development involving Murphy and Lawrence – their children are dating! This surprising connection was spotlighted during Jasmin Lawrence’s 27th birthday celebration where both families gathered.

Eddie Murphy Talks New Comedy with Martin Lawrence and Their Kids’ Relationship

Eric Murphy shared some heartfelt words about Jasmin, showcasing their deep bond: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my QUEEN!! The moments we spend together make time stand still. You make me a better man in every way. Thank you for being such an inspiration in my life.

Cinematic Legacy and Hopes for Success

The original film remains one of the most beloved comedies ever made. Having been remade and referenced many times – most notably in 2001’s Rat Race – there’s hope that Murphy’s touch can bring fresh magic to the story.

Eddie Murphy Talks New Comedy with Martin Lawrence and Their Kids’ Relationship

With Jez Butterworth working on the script and Eddie Murphy spearheading the project, anticipation is high. Whether or not it reaches the same iconic status as its predecessor, fans expect nothing short of hilarious brilliance from this duo.

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