Eddie Murphy Returns as Axel Foley in Beverly Hills Cop Sequel on Netflix

The wait is finally over as Eddie Murphy is back in action with his iconic character, Axel Foley, in the upcoming movie Beverly Hills Cop: Axel Foley. The new poster released by Netflix puts Eddie Murphy front and center, showcasing him displaying his badge of honor.

Eddie Murphy Returns as Axel Foley in Beverly Hills Cop Sequel on Netflix

In the poster, The character’s face is on full display, giving us a nostalgic glance at Axel Foley’s detective badge from Detroit—throwing it back to where it all began with 1984’s original Beverly Hills Cop.

Backstory and Development

After the release of the first three films in 1984, 1987, and 1994, this fourth installment seemed stuck in what many call “development hell” for years. It wasn’t until Paramount sold the franchise rights to Netflix in 2019 that the project finally got off the ground.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt Joins the Cast

This new chapter not only brings back the much-loved character of Foley but also introduces new faces. Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays a new partner working alongside Murphy. This addition is expected to bring a fresh dynamic to the buddy cop formula while staying true to the series’ comedic roots.

Eddie Murphy Returns as Axel Foley in Beverly Hills Cop Sequel on Netflix

Premiere Date Revealed

Fans don’t have long to wait, as Beverly Hills Cop: Axel Foley premieres on Netflix on July 3rd, 2024. This summer release positions it perfectly as a must-watch for both fans of the original franchise and new viewers alike.

A Glimpse into Axel’s World

The teaser clip showcases some exhilarating action sequences mixed with that classic Beverly Hills flair fans have come to love. This film promises not only action-packed scenes but also a return of Axel’s sharp wit and charm.

Eddie Murphy Returns as Axel Foley in Beverly Hills Cop Sequel on Netflix

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