From Dusk till Dawn Season Finale Review: Dark Side of the Sun

From Dusk till Dawn, "Dark Side of the Sun"

Even though it’s been a couple of weeks since it aired, it’s finally time to talk about the season three finale of From Dusk till Dawn. With the cast being released from their contracts immediately prior to the finale’s airing, the future of the series is unknown. Could it continue in some way? Certainly. But, for now, let’s take a look at the latest (final?) episode of the series, “Dark Side of the Sun.”

The finale opens with a flashback to happier times at the beginning of the series that show the Gecko Brothers in a happier time before jumping ahead to the present in which Kate is near-death after Amaru has left her. It’s a nice parallel that shows us just how far Seth and Ritchie have come over these three years while also giving us a clearer view of the stakes at hand.

All season, we’ve been watching the rise and evolution of the Amaru/Xiabulba story, and to see things play out in this way has been surprisingly intriguing. It’s well-served by all of the mythology-building that took place over this season in particular, and the writers have done a pretty great job at crafting the story.

The final confrontation and setup to that confrontation are both incredibly fun moments that will be remembered as some of the best from From Dusk till Dawn. In particular, I loved the scene of the team looking over the hill down to their destiny, and the use of color in the scene worked very well to set the stage. Eliza Gonzalez was masterful as Santanico, and her appearance here more than made up for the fact that she was missing for so much of the season.

Speaking of the cast, everyone absolutely shined in this finale, and it’s pretty clear that the cast is going to be the thing that I miss most about this series. Even at the times when the story didn’t work as well as it probably should, the cast made you believe in what you were seeing through their performances. I’m so glad that Wilmer Valderrama was brought back into the fold for the conclusion, too, as Carlos has been a major part of the story from the very beginning. This finale just wouldn’t have been the same without him.

The main thing that “Dark Side of the Sun” had to do was wrap up all of the stories that have been built over the past three seasons while still leaving just enough loose threads that the show can be continued down the line, and the episode was successful in this attempt. While I still want to see more from these characters, I’m satisfied with the way everything concluded.

Overall, “Dark Side of the Sun” was both a great season finale and a satisfying (potential) series finale, and I’m impressed with the way that everything was brought around. While I definitely hope we get to see more of this story at some point in the future, for now I’m happy just knowing that everything succeeded in the end.

What did you think of “Dark Side of the Sun?” Do you want to see From Dusk till Dawn continue in some form? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

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