Doctor Who Faces Sutekh and Unprecedented Challenges in Latest Episode

BBC’s Doctor Who has brought back one of its most notorious antagonists – Sutekh the Destroyer. The episode titled The Legend of Ruby Sunday aired on Saturday and confirmed the return of the villain, who first appeared in the 1975 serial Pyramids of Mars, where he faced off against Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor.

Doctor Who Faces Sutekh and Unprecedented Challenges in Latest Episode

Rekindling Ancient Evil

The story sees the Doctor (Ncuti Gatwa) and his companion Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson) in 1911 at UNIT headquarters. The crux of Sutekh’s fearsome lore lies in his vicious megalomania. His mind, consumed with jealousy and hatred, has lain dormant for centuries until his time of deliverance arrives.

For many thousands of years, SUTEKH had waited… trapped in the heart of an Egyptian Pyramid. Now at last the time had come – the moment of release, when all the force of his pent-up evil and malice would be unleashed upon the world…

A Desperate Battle Amid Egyptian Mummies

The Doctor lands to confront a terrifying spectacle: Egyptian Mummies, half-possessed humans, and the overwhelming evil power of Sutekh. As the episode unfolded, Susan Twist – initially thought to be the Doctor’s granddaughter – morphed into a demonic entity during a worldwide livestream, leaving viewers and characters alike stunned.

The TARDIS lands on the site of UNIT headquarters in the year 1911, and the Doctor and Sarah emerge to fight a terrifying and deadly battle… against Egyptian Mummies, half-possessed humans – and the overwhelming evil power of SUTEKH!

A Looming Threat from Beyond Time

Sutekh announced himself as both mother and father to all gods of chaos in the universe. His malevolent influence had been whispering through time itself. Praising this thematic twist, fans took to social media with fervor, with one user writing: Rather enjoyed that Doctor Who episode. Best of the series!

Doctor Who Faces Sutekh and Unprecedented Challenges in Latest Episode

A Historic Episode for Representation

This episode gained further acclaim by featuring the show’s first-ever same-sex kiss. Fans hailed the chemistry between Ncuti Gatwa’s Doctor and Jonathan Groff’s Rogue. Their intimate dance scene before the proposal added a groundbreaking layer to this storied franchise.

Doctor Who Faces Sutekh and Unprecedented Challenges in Latest Episode

Ncuti Gatwa commented on fans who may have issues with non-traditional casting choices: I feel like anyone that has a problem with someone who’s not a straight white man playing this character, you’re not really, truly a fan of the show. You’ve not been watching!

Tears and Sacrifice in Final Moments

The climax brought intense drama as Rogue questioned if sacrificing Ruby was necessary to save the world: Can you lose your friend to save the world?. The emotional turmoil culminated in Rogue sacrificing himself to save Ruby, after a poignant final kiss and a touching plea: Find me.

Doctor Who Faces Sutekh and Unprecedented Challenges in Latest Episode

This addition aligns with past characters like Captain Jack Harkness, highlighting the show’s tradition of inclusive representation. Russell T Davies encapsulated this sentiment: You’re talking about someone who does have a lightness and a joy about him that, to me, chimes with queer energy.

Doctor Who Faces Sutekh and Unprecedented Challenges in Latest Episode

The Broader Repercussions for Doctor Who

This episode leaves us pondering if there’s more complexity beneath Sutekh’s menace or if we will face even darker beings in future episodes. Can we expect more layers unraveled about Rogue? Only time will tell as fans eagerly await next week’s continuation.

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