Discover Netflix’s Chilling Shark Thriller Sous la Seine and the Real Creatures of the Seine River

This month, Netflix is set to release Sous la Seine (“Under the Seine”), a chilling film featuring a killer shark preying on athletes in Paris. With the Paris 2024 Olympics approaching, it’s worth examining what creatures actually reside in the Seine River, where some of the events will be held.

Discover Netflix’s Chilling Shark Thriller Sous la Seine and the Real Creatures of the Seine River

The premise of Sous la Seine sounds like pure fiction, but it has already stirred controversy. French director Vincent Dietschy has accused the producers of plagiarizing his script for the film Silure. However, many are intrigued by the idea of an aquatic predator lurking under one of the world’s most iconic cities.

Discover Netflix’s Chilling Shark Thriller Sous la Seine and the Real Creatures of the Seine River

A Fictional Threat Made Famous

The notion of a shark terrorizing people has long captivated audiences since Steven Spielberg’s classic Jaws (1975). But what real threats might be lurking in the Seine? According to researcher Sébastien Brosse from the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), such scenarios remain within the realm of fiction. In general, sharks don’t swim up rivers. The exception is the bulldog shark, which can travel thousands of kilometers up the Amazon, but that is a species living in a tropical zone, he assures.

Discover Netflix’s Chilling Shark Thriller Sous la Seine and the Real Creatures of the Seine River

The Historical Seine: Home to Giants

Astonishingly, the Seine was once inhabited by large animals. Brosse points out that cetaceans populated the river until the late 19th century. There were even large fish such as sturgeon. In fact, an impressive 140kg sturgeon was caught near Mantes-la-Jolie in 1856. Over time, these majestic creatures disappeared due to pollution and industrialization impacting their food sources.

Discover Netflix’s Chilling Shark Thriller Sous la Seine and the Real Creatures of the Seine River

Exotic Intruders and Urban Legends

What about exotic species that occasionally make headlines? Recent years have seen reports of pythons, Nile crocodiles, and even pacu fish—a piranha’s cousin—being found in the Seine. These creatures were released by irresponsible owners rather than migrating naturally. Brosse clarifies another myth: piranhas are not as dangerous as portrayed in movies. Piranhas may bite humans in self-defense if they feel threatened but they almost never attack. They also can’t survive cold water and eventually die, he explains.

Discover Netflix’s Chilling Shark Thriller Sous la Seine and the Real Creatures of the Seine River

The Present-Day Predator

The one notable predator still residing in the river is the catfish—the antagonist in Dietschy’s script. These fish can grow up to three meters long and weigh as much as 150 kilograms. Despite their size, they do not pose a threat to humans but can disrupt local ecosystems by preying on other fish like pike and salmon. Brosse notes their dietary versatility: The catfish is an opportunistic feeder with a wide range of prey; it doesn’t hesitate to attack birds or small mammals near the banks.

Discover Netflix’s Chilling Shark Thriller Sous la Seine and the Real Creatures of the Seine River

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