Days of Our Lives: Chad’s New Hope for Abigail and Exciting Character Returns

As this week unfolds on Days of our Lives, the plot thickens with Chad DiMera as he grapples with Clyde Weston’s dubious guidance. Chad is now convinced that his wife Abigail might still be out there – alive. But should he reveal his suspicions to her parents?

Days of Our Lives: Chad’s New Hope for Abigail and Exciting Character Returns

Before confronting Clyde at the Salem Police Station, Chad was uncertain about sharing this news with Abigail’s parents. But circumstances might compel him to act.

Matthew Ashford, who plays Abigail’s father Jack Deveraux, will make a dramatic return to Salem next week. His appearance coincides with Chad and Julie’s decision to search for Abigail. Will Jack’s presence prompt Chad to divulge the secret, or will he keep it to himself?

This April, word got out that Ashford was back on set for upcoming scenes tied to the late Bill Hayes’s memorial episodes. Fans will recall that Bill Hayes received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Daytime Emmys in 2018.

Days of Our Lives: Chad’s New Hope for Abigail and Exciting Character Returns

According to Soap Opera Digest, another familiar face is also returning: Casey Moss as Jack and Jennifer’s son J.J. Deveraux. Although his screentime duration remains unclear, fans can expect his character to add depth to ongoing storylines.

Fans might recall Bryan Cranston fondly remembering Bill Hayes’s welcoming nature when he shared that getting Hayesed was a significant moment in his early career. Hayes’s impact resonates as these characters return to the canvas.

Days of Our Lives: Chad’s New Hope for Abigail and Exciting Character Returns

The celebrated actor Ashford first appeared as Jack in 1987 and has been an integral part of the show since then, last seen in 2023 when Jack and Jennifer left Salem after Jennifer’s struggle with pill addiction following their daughter’s death.

An exciting development for the viewers is that Melissa Reeves will return as Jennifer Horton later this year. Her last portrayal of Jennifer was by soap veteran Cady McClain.

This week’s buildup around Abigail doesn’t end here. Reports hint that not only Abigail but also J.J., played by Casey Moss, is poised for a thrilling comeback.

Days of Our Lives: Chad’s New Hope for Abigail and Exciting Character Returns

Clyde Weston‘s recent involvement stirs quite a buzz among fans who remember his history in Salem – from being revealed as an abusive father to wreaking havoc over the years. It certainly reminds us how deeply intertwined these character arcs are.

With an array of returning faces and complex storylines ahead, Days of our Lives continues to captivate its audience. Share your thoughts about these exciting twists and returns below!

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