Creed Bratton Focuses on Music as Reboot of The Office Proceeds Without Him

Creed Bratton, known for his role on the American version of The Office, has recently confirmed that he will not participate in the upcoming reboot. However, his artistic journey continues to flourish through his music career with his 10th studio album, Tao Pop, set for release on September 27.

Creed Bratton Focuses on Music as Reboot of The Office Proceeds Without Him

The new album features contributions from multiple Grammy-Award-winning producers including Dave Way and Dillon O’Brian. The first single, titled Corner Of The Universe, resonates deeply with fans. It brings a unique harmony inspired by diverse personal experiences and a powerful backstory.

Creed Bratton Focuses on Music as Reboot of The Office Proceeds Without Him

Recounting the origin of Corner Of The Universe, Bratton revealed a poignant moment: I saw a woman with a black eye at a gas station, being mistreated, which inspired me to write the song. This gritty realism translates into moving lyrics that have captivated audiences around the world.

Bratton’s history in music is illustrious. Once feeling too artistically controlled by his group and record label back in the late ’60s, he transitioned from music to acting. Yet, his passion for music never waned. With nine albums already behind him, he now embarks on another musical venture with Tao Pop.

Creed Bratton Focuses on Music as Reboot of The Office Proceeds Without Him

Revisiting his roots, Bratton often shares anecdotes from his time with the folk-pop group The Grass Roots as some of his most influential moments. Raised in a small mining town between Fresno and Yosemite, he grew up surrounded by family members who were all musically inclined, fostering his early passion for the craft.

Tao Pop is more than just an album; it reflects Creed’s eclectic experiences and innumerable tales. Its cover art nods to Ray Kurzweil’s The Singularity Is Near, which inspired visions of a harmonious future where AI and humans coexist seamlessly.

As fans eagerly await the release of Tao Pop, Creed Bratton continues to demonstrate that his creative spirit transcends any single medium. Although we won’t see him in Scranton again, his continuing evolution as an artist ensures that there is always something fresh and exciting to anticipate.

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