Contractor Reveals Renovation Challenges at Kanye West’s Malibu Mansion

New details have emerged about the condition of Ye’s Malibu mansion, shedding light on significant modifications and hardships endured by contractor Tony Saxon during the renovations.

Contractor Reveals Renovation Challenges at Kanye West’s Malibu Mansion

Transforming the Malibu Mansion

According to an investigation by New Yorker, Ye aimed to restructure the Tadao Ando-designed residence into a minimalist space. Simple fresh and cleeeeeean, West reportedly texted about his vision for the 4000-square-foot home. This drastic transformation included removing the kitchen, bathroom, and other amenities.

Saxon claimed he was instructed by Ye’s wife, Bianca Censori, to paint over wood surfaces throughout the house. Censori, who holds a master’s degree in architecture from the University of Melbourne, reportedly emphasized that no wood should be visible.

Contractor Reveals Renovation Challenges at Kanye West’s Malibu Mansion

The Unusual Renovations

One particular renovation involved converting a staircase into a foam slide. While Saxon wasn’t responsible for installing the foam, he was asked by Bianca to remove it later. Additional changes included dismantling two metal chimneys, glass balustrades, windows, doors, heating systems, and plumbing.

Saxon managed a fee of $20,000 per week but had to allocate funds to pay colleagues and procure materials. He shared that he sometimes slept on a mattress on the floor due to security concerns.

Contractor Reveals Renovation Challenges at Kanye West’s Malibu Mansion

Kanye West’s Legal Troubles

Back in September, Tony Saxon filed a lawsuit against Ye for unpaid wages and alleged unsafe working conditions. Saxon claimed he had to sleep in freezing conditions while on duty at Ye’s Malibu property. His lawsuit covers issues like hazardous working conditions, unlawful wage withholding, and wrongful termination.

A representative for rapper Ye announced on April 23 that he plans to launch his own pornography studio.. This ambitious plan runs parallel with his ongoing ventures involving controversial shifts in his personal life and professional endeavors.Contractor Reveals Renovation Challenges at Kanye West’s Malibu Mansion

The Market Challenge

Ye purchased this mansion for $57 million through an off-market deal. Despite extensive modifications, he listed it for $53 million last December with help from Selling Sunset star Jason Oppenheim. However, the property didn’t meet market expectations. As The interior finishes have been removed, this creates an unbelievably rare opportunity…with modern technology and excellence, Oppenheim commented on the listing.

Contractor Reveals Renovation Challenges at Kanye West’s Malibu Mansion

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