Chris Nash Reinvents the Slasher Genre with ‘In a Violent Nature’

“In a Violent Nature” is set to bring a unique twist to the slasher genre when it arrives in theaters this Friday. Directed by Chris Nash, this arthouse film stands out for its no-tone approach, where natural sounds replace conventional musical scores. Nash describes his method as treating the film almost like a nature documentary, letting the scenes just exist without aiming for a tone.

Chris Nash Reinvents the Slasher Genre with ‘In a Violent Nature’

Origin of Johnny

The film introduces Johnny (Ry Barrett), an undead slasher who resurfaces when his grave is disturbed. Barrett had to channel the primal aspects of Johnny’s character, treating him like an animal. Barrett reveals, I looked at it that way because… he’s like a wild animal, a bear that just has something wrong.

Chris Nash Reinvents the Slasher Genre with ‘In a Violent Nature’

Challenges of Making the Film

Nash faced numerous challenges during production, which included recasting Barrett as Johnny after initial difficulties. This necessitated reshoots which Nash found both taxing and illuminating. He observed, Even just how we were achieving some gore gags, little flourishes we could throw in… it was pretty shocking.

Chris Nash Reinvents the Slasher Genre with ‘In a Violent Nature’

Naturalistic Elements Emphasized

The naturalistic approach extended beyond sound into the film’s visual aesthetic and costume design. Nash explains his decision to keep things as authentic as possible: I took a lot of inspiration from Gus Van Sant’s 2000s work… I really wanted to see what I could do to bring that into a genre film.

Chris Nash Reinvents the Slasher Genre with ‘In a Violent Nature’

Crafting Johnny’s Look

Creating Johnny’s outfit and look was no small feat. Barrett detailed the extensive process, explaining that the suit itself lent significant aid in molding his character: The suit really lends itself to the character…. Transformation into Johnny could take several hours, especially on days where more intricate makeup was involved.

Chris Nash Reinvents the Slasher Genre with ‘In a Violent Nature’

Don’t miss out on seeing ‘In A Violent Nature,’ arriving in theaters this weekend. Stay tuned for further discussions on the film’s groundbreaking practical effects and unforgettable scenes.

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