CBS Developing Van Helsing Crime Drama Set in Modern New York

CBS is adding a fresh twist to its lineup with a new crime drama centered on the legendary figure of Professor Abraham Van Helsing. Known chiefly from horror fiction, Van Helsing will now be reimagined for modern-day New York.

Fresh Take by Jonathan Lee and Rob Doherty

Penned by Jonathan Lee, noted for Netflix’s upcoming Lockerbie miniseries, and featuring Elementary creator Rob Doherty as a writing executive producer, the project aims to merge classic horror with contemporary crime-solving. The series portrays Dr. Abraham Van Helsing, who uses his unique knowledge and skills alongside his ex-partner, FBI Special Agent Mina Harker, to tackle some of New York City’s most challenging cases.

CBS Developing Van Helsing Crime Drama Set in Modern New YorkCBS Developing Van Helsing Crime Drama Set in Modern New York

Carl Beverly and Sarah Timberman on Board

The creative team is bolstered by executive producers Carl Beverly and Sarah Timberman from Lionsgate Television, known for their work on notable projects. The involvement of such prominent figures adds significant weight to the prospective series.

CBS Developing Van Helsing Crime Drama Set in Modern New York

From Post-Apocalyptic Horror to Modern Crime-Solving

This isn’t the first time Van Helsing has graced TV screens. Syfy’s version ran for five seasons, from July 2016 to June 2021. It offered a post-apocalyptic spin on the character. Additionally, Hugh Jackman brought him to life in a 2004 film set in 1887 Transylvania.

CBS Developing Van Helsing Crime Drama Set in Modern New YorkCBS Developing Van Helsing Crime Drama Set in Modern New York

A Genre-Defying Vision

As Percival Everett once said about Lethem’s work: The levels of mystery here astound…this brilliant, genre-defying work will certainly leave a mark. This adaptation seems poised to continue that trend by interrogating not just crime but storytelling itself.

A Modern Twist on Classic Literature

By relocating Van Helsing to modern New York and pairing him with Mina Harker, CBS offers a new interpretation steeped in both crime drama and literary history. This blending could make for a compelling watch.

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