Catch Mean Girls, Blazing Saddles and The NeverEnding Story in Midstate Theatres

Looking for some nostalgic trip-disguised-as-cinema magic this summer? Get ready, because Fathom Events is bringing ‘The NeverEnding Story’, ‘Mean Girls’, and ‘Blazing Saddles’ back to the silver screen near you.

Relive Your Childhood with The NeverEnding Story

The 1984 classic, ‘The NeverEnding Story‘, directed by Wolfgang Peterson, is set to enchant viewers on July 21 and 22, 2024. Thanks to Fathom Events’ Big Screen Classics series, this fantasy epic returns for two special nights.

Catch Mean Girls, Blazing Saddles and The NeverEnding Story in Midstate Theatres

Most people who hear this title think of the iconic movie with its green-eyed wolves, half-nude Sphinx statues, and a swamp scene that exercises children’s tear ducts. The film weaves the tale of young boy Bastian discovering a book that whisks him away into the world of Fantasia. It’s a beloved journey filled with memorable characters like Atreyu and Falkor.

Catch Mean Girls, Blazing Saddles and The NeverEnding Story in Midstate Theatres

Each screening will feature an introduction by film critic Leonard Maltin, adding a personal touch to this cinematic event. Maltin’s involvement brings an insider’s perspective to an already beloved classic.

Catch Mean Girls in Action

The upcoming Mean Girls movie promises to be an exciting adaptation of the Broadway musical. Filmed earlier this year in New Jersey, it’s set to feature renowned stars such as Renee Rapp as Regina George and Busy Phillips as Mrs. George.

Catch Mean Girls, Blazing Saddles and The NeverEnding Story in Midstate Theatres

The ensemble cast list also includes names like Jenna Fischer from ‘The Office’ as Mrs. Heron, Auli’i Cravalho (Moana) playing Janis, and Angourie Rice (Spider-Man: Homecoming) as Cady Heron.
This isn’t just another teen comedy; it tackles serious issues while keeping the humor intact.

Experience Blazing Saddles Like Never Before

If classic comedy is more your style, don’t miss ‘Blazing Saddles’. Mel Brooks’ legendary satire will be returning to theaters soon. This timeless tale pokes fun at racism and Western tropes with razor-sharp wit.

Catch Mean Girls, Blazing Saddles and The NeverEnding Story in Midstate Theatres

With Cleavon Little starring as Sheriff Bart, it’s a cinematic experience that shouldn’t be missed on the big screen once again.

A Closer Look at Venue Details

Find theaters showing these fan-favorite films exclusively through Fathom Events’ official website for detailed showtimes and ticket bookings.

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