Carole Radziwill Responds to Andy Cohen’s Claim About Anonymous Source

Carole Radziwill, known for her time on The Real Housewives of New York City, is making headlines after clapping back at Andy Cohen, following his claim that she was the anonymous source who criticized his handling of the show and its cast.

Carole Radziwill Responds to Andy Cohen’s Claim About Anonymous Source

Radziwill took to X on June 11 to express her frustration: Someone can make a truthful observation & there’s always one short-ish dude waiting to be offended. At this point why would any normal person use their name? They’re all so vindictive which I believe is the point of the quote & confirmed by Andy’s nasty response.

This response came after Cohen addressed an anonymous quote in a New York Magazine profile released on June 3, where a former New York Housewife criticized the show’s turn towards more manipulative storylines. Cohen, on his SiriusXM show Radio Andy, asserted he knew precisely who made the comments: I know exactly [who it is]. It’s Carole Radziwill, no question.

The remark in question from the magazine read:

The show went from silly humor about middle-aged women getting drunk and being delusional about their status and having funny, petty arguments, to Housewives investigating and doing opposition research and making up false storylines and leaking stories on each other and trying to get one another fired. Everyone just dances for Andy Cohen.

Carole Radziwill Responds to Andy Cohen’s Claim About Anonymous Source

Cohen was quick to point fingers at Radziwill during his June 10 broadcast. He elaborated, It was so weird. I was, like, Carole has said a lot of unkind things about me that she has tweeted and been quoted about. So, I was like, why are you going off the record here?

While reviewing the piece, Cohen claimed there were numerous reasons making it clear the anonymous source was indeed Radziwill. He joked he expected some form of obvious identification within the text.

Radziwill’s run on RHONY, which spanned from 2011 to 2018, has indeed seen its share of controversies, particularly surrounding her relationship with Bethenny Frankel. And while reasons behind her departure have been discussed extensively, Radziwill herself noted in past statements that her curiosity about reality television had waned over time.

Carole Radziwill Responds to Andy Cohen’s Claim About Anonymous Source

Cohen hinted at their strained relationship signifying an unresolved tension: Anyway, thanks for the quote, Radz! I’ll run into you soon, we have a lot to catch up on.

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