Carl and Lindsay Open Up on Their Explosive Summer House Breakup

Carl and Lindsay Open Up on Their Explosive Summer House Breakup

Carl Radke admitted to making a derogatory statement to Lindsay Hubbard after last week’s episode of Summer House. The couple, who have been on a tumultuous journey, faced yet another heated moment which left Carl apologizing for his words.

Carl Regrets His Words

On the May 23 episode of the Summer House: After Show, Carl acknowledged his mistake: I can’t say ‘soft’ to a woman. According to Lindsay, that’s a derogatory thing to say to a woman. He continued, I did not know that and I do apologize for saying that. It’s like saying to a man, ‘Be more like a man.’ If you ask a woman to be a little softer when you’re discussing your career opportunities, I guess that’s derogatory. That’s what she told me. And if that’s the case, I am sorry. Like, I didn’t mean to be so derogatory.

Gabby Prescod responded with a strong opinion: Bless you, we need more people like you in the world. Her comments highlighted Lindsay’s feelings of discomfort.

Lindsay’s Take on Carl’s Efforts

Carl and Lindsay Open Up on Their Explosive Summer House Breakup

Lindsay seemed doubtful about Carl’s dedication, expressing her reservations about his behavior: When it came time for the current season of Summer House to air, Hubbard and Radke had been broken up for six months—arguably still in the fresh-wound zone. Her skepticism was palpable when she added: He does not work hard.

Carl Discusses Financial Matters

Carl also delved into their financial dynamics, revealing:I’ve made 70 grand this year already doing paid posts… She [Lindsay] made 150. He noted the disparity between their earnings and attributed it partially to social media following demographics.

Kyle Cooke’s Perspective

Carl and Lindsay Open Up on Their Explosive Summer House Breakup

Kyle Cooke also shared insight about the professional dynamic between him and Carl. Kyle described how they approached re-integrating Carl into Loverboy gradually: It’s not like I was like, ‘Alright, Carl, full-time employee. Here’s all your responsibilities… We’re easing into this. He emphasized understanding Carl’s other interests and being realistic about their friendship and business arrangement.

The Strain on Their Relationship

Lindsay expressed her frustration with what she perceived as Carl taking the easy route:I don’t care. It’s the easy option. This is what Carl does… It makes me question his relationship with me… I think I was just easy and in front of his face. Her comments shed light on her disappointment over Carl’s decisions.

Carl’s Excitement About Loverboy’s Return

Carl and Lindsay Open Up on Their Explosive Summer House Breakup

Despite the personal turmoil, Carl expressed excitement about his re-engagement with Loverboy: Because of the brand Loverboy now having non-alcoholic [options], it’s part of my personal story too… He highlighted Kyle Cooke’s supportive approach during this transition period.

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