Blake Sheltons Guidance Shapes Serenity Arce into a Season 25 Voice Contender

Serenity Arce was just 14 when she walked onto The Voice stage for the first time. The Jupiter, Florida native auditioned for season 21 coaches Kelly Clarkson, Ariana Grande, John Legend, and Blake Shelton. Unfortunately, not a single chair turned for Serenity, but Shelton saw something special in her and encouraged her not to give up. You’re the diamond in the rough, girl. No chairs turned for you? I’ll be damned, Shelton told the teenager.

Blake Sheltons Guidance Shapes Serenity Arce into a Season 25 Voice Contender

Shelton advised Serenity to take some time to improve. What you need is like a year, he suggested. Taking his words to heart, Serenity returned to the season 25 stage and earned a coveted four-chair turn from coaches Chance the Rapper, Dan + Shay, John Legend, and Reba McEntire. Now, at 17, Serenity represents Team Chance in the Live Rounds along with fellow contestants Maddi Jane and Nadège.

Blake Sheltons Guidance Shapes Serenity Arce into a Season 25 Voice Contender

The Dramatic Comeback

During her return on season 25 of The Voice, Serenity delivered an impressive performance of Sam Fischer’s This City, earning an almost immediate four-chair turn. Her journey highlights a remarkable transformation from her initial audition, which saw no chairs turn for her despite her talent.

John Legend was quick to remember her from her previous audition and expressed his admiration: I’m so proud of you for coming back here… All of us have had people tell us no, and we’ve had to come back and say no, we’re going to try again.

Blake Sheltons Guidance Shapes Serenity Arce into a Season 25 Voice Contender

Shelton’s Impactful Advice

Shelton’s encouragement proved pivotal in Serenity’s journey. If I was there two years ago for you, I would have turned, Chance the Rapper said during her season 25 audition. It worked; Serenity ultimately chose Chance as her coach. Reflecting on Shelton’s advice, she stated that she had practiced diligently during the interim period. She took vocal lessons and let her voice mature significantly.

She really shows that by doing the work now and in the off-season, she can grow,” observed John Legend.

The Road to Becoming a Contender

Serenity’s progress was evident in every round she competed in this season. Her performance of Selena Gomez’s Lose You to Love Me secured her a spot among the top 12 finalists.

Her continuous improvement didn’t go unnoticed by viewers either. One X/Twitter user remarked that Serenity’s top 12 performance was ‘edge-of-your-seat.’

Blake Sheltons Guidance Shapes Serenity Arce into a Season 25 Voice Contender

A Promising Future

Beyond just her technical skills, Serenity’s performances are marked by emotional depth and authenticity. According to John Legend, one of the keys to her success has been how effectively she conveys emotions through her music: Your voice is so powerful and crisp; it sounds like it could be on the radio immediately because it has that quality to cut through the music.

Blake Sheltons Guidance Shapes Serenity Arce into a Season 25 Voice Contender

This season of The Voice has showcased not only Serenity’s growth as a singer but also as a performer who captivates audiences and judges alike with each performance. With continued guidance from Chance the Rapper and support from mentors like Blake Shelton, Serenity Arce stands out as a strong contender for winning this season.

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