Bill Skarsgård Reflects on Playing Pennywise and Overcoming Early Criticism

Bill Skarsgård, renowned for his chilling portrayal of Pennywise in the ‘It’ franchise, recently spoke about the experience and the challenges he faced. In an interview with Esquire, Skarsgård expressed some concerns about how early images of him as Pennywise were released by the studio. Reflecting on that period, he shared, I was so incredibly nervous to start this job, and then the Internet is having so many hateful opinions on the weird, strange look of the thing.

Bill Skarsgård Reflects on Playing Pennywise and Overcoming Early Criticism

Early Criticism and Backlash

The backlash to his initial look as Pennywise was significant, with some horror fans attacking the appearance for not aligning with their expectations. Skarsgård recalled losing sleep over it, noting that fans labeled his look as stupid and lame. Despite this, he found a way to turn the negativity into a learning experience. He said, You can only make this performance to please yourself… It unlocked something in me. And it gave me the confidence that I can take on any challenge.

Bill Skarsgård Reflects on Playing Pennywise and Overcoming Early Criticism

A Monumental Box Office Success

The two-part ‘It’ series proved to be a massive success at the box office. The first film alone earned over $700 million globally, positioning itself as one of the highest-grossing horror films ever. Combined with its sequel’s earnings, totaling around $1 billion worldwide, it solidified its place in horror cinema history.

Bill Skarsgård Reflects on Playing Pennywise and Overcoming Early Criticism

The Studio’s Role in Early Image Release

The studio released the first image of Skarsgård as Pennywise more than a year before ‘It’ hit theaters. This move was controversial for Skarsgård, who was still grappling with embodying such an iconic character at just 26 years old. He reflected on this decision, saying, I felt it was kind of mean moving forward with the photo release before filming even started.

Maneuvering Through Industry Challenges

The studio’s approach and subsequent public reaction had a profound impact on Skarsgård’s perspective as an actor. Despite these challenges, his portrayal of Pennywise ultimately received widespread acclaim.

Bill Skarsgård Reflects on Playing Pennywise and Overcoming Early Criticism

Navigating New Roles

Beyond his role as Pennywise, Skarsgård has taken on other notable characters. His portrayal of Count Orlok in Robert Eggers’ upcoming ‘Nosferatu’ is much anticipated. Fans have yet to see his transformation into this classic horror figure due to strategic decisions by Focus Features to keep his look under wraps.

Bill Skarsgård Reflects on Playing Pennywise and Overcoming Early Criticism

Reflecting on how he approaches these roles, Skarsgård said about ‘Nosferatu,’I do not think people are gonna recognize me in it… It’s playing with a sexual fetish about the power of the monster.

The Legacy of Pennywise

The legacy of Skarsgård’s Pennywise continues to resonate within horror circles. Even though there were initial misgivings about his appearance and performance, his work has left a lasting impact within the genre. As for whether he’d return to don the clown makeup again? Well, one can only imagine!

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