Bill Skarsgård Reflects on Pennywise Role and Upcoming The Crow Remake

Pennywise the Clown is one of actor Bill Skarsgård’s most well-known roles. Reflecting on his portrayal in the It movies, Skarsgård discussed the mixed reception to his character’s initial reveal. The actor shared these thoughts in a recent interview with Esquire, which covered his diverse range of movie roles.

Bill Skarsgård Reflects on Pennywise Role and Upcoming The Crow Remake

Reflecting on the Role

Before Skarsgård’s unforgettable turn as Pennywise, Tim Curry famously played the sadistic clown in the 1990 miniseries version of It. Stephen King once remarked about Curry’s casting, saying, There was some doubt about it. He hadn’t played a part like that before. You’ve got to be gutsy to say, I’m going to put on clown makeup and play a villain.

Bill Skarsgård Reflects on Pennywise Role and Upcoming The Crow Remake

When Skarsgård took over, he didn’t initially grasp the massive expectations tied to the role. He recalled feeling intense pressure after the studio released a first-look photo of him as Pennywise, prompting backlash from audiences before filming even began. Skarsgård found this move quite unsettling, describing it as a mean thing to do.

Coping with Criticism

Bill Skarsgård Reflects on Pennywise Role and Upcoming The Crow Remake

The early criticism took a toll on the actor’s mental state and sleep, but it also made him reconsider his approach to acting. He shared how he decided to focus more on pleasing himself with his performance rather than worrying about internet opinions. This mindset shift allowed him to overcome the negative feedback and thrive in the role.

You can only make this performance to please yourself,” he said.”It unlocked something in me…

The lessons learned from playing Pennywise have undoubtedly influenced Skarsgård’s subsequent roles.

Tackling Another Iconic Role

Skarsgård is now stepping into another iconic character’s shoes: he will star in 2024’s remake of The Crow. Based on James O’Barr’s graphic novel and following Brandon Lee’s acclaimed portrayal from 1994, this modern reimagining sees Skarsgård alongside FKA Twigs.

Bill Skarsgård Reflects on Pennywise Role and Upcoming The Crow Remake

Bill Skarsgård takes on the iconic role of THE CROW in this modern reimagining of the original graphic novel by James O’Barr.

The upcoming film has already generated some buzz and mixed reactions due to its contemporary style choices, much like Skarsgård’s previous experiences with Pennywise.

Bill Skarsgård Reflects on Pennywise Role and Upcoming The Crow Remake

The Future for Bill Skarsgård

The anticipation for The Crow‘s release is evident amongst fans and critics alike. Judging by reactions online, including enthusiastic comments like @BilliamSkars’s tweet stating, oh The Crow is going to EAT I am so excited, it seems Skarsgård has captivated audiences once more.

The Crow film promises an exciting reinterpretation while maintaining the dark spirit of its source material. With a release date set for June 7th, 2024, all eyes are once again on Bill Skarsgård as he ventures into another hauntingly memorable performance.

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