Avatar: The Last Airbender Characters as Cats Fan Art

Avatar: The Last Airbender Characters as Cats Fan Art

Innovation and imagination never really stops when it comes to pop culture since there are legions of fans out there that are more than willing to do one thing or another to show their devotion and the depths to which their thought processes can go. This artwork of Avatar: The Last Airbender characters as cats is proof of that since the depictions are actually quite interesting and posing Aang as a Sphynx is kind of interesting since the look really does work. Considering what these cats look like in real life this is exceedingly generous since cartoons tend to take out a lot of features that might otherwise not endear a lot of people to the overall appearance since let’s be fair here, Sphynx’s are a bit odd-looking to some people even if many folks happen to like the way they look and are convinced that they’re beautiful creatures. In terms of creating a cat that represents Aang though the idea of keeping it bald is great since it does manage to convey the overall individual in a very effective way. Why the artist would choose cats over any other animal is kind of intriguing, but it could have been for a number of different reasons.

Avatar: The Last Airbender Characters as Cats Fan Art

Sokka just looks like he’s ready to get into trouble of some sort as he looks a bit adventurous and ready to get into a bit of mischief. This is where choosing cats for this particular project comes into play and is absolutely perfect since if anyone knows cats well enough they’ll understand that despite any stereotypes, cats do tend to get into mischief when they feel like it. There usually appears to be a kind of purpose to their actions that a lot of people can’t figure out, but at the same time agree are a bit annoying now and again and a bit mysterious since not a lot of cats tend to have much of a reason for the things they do. It could be that cats are much simpler to figure out than people think, or it could be that their exploits don’t really need the thought that people give them. In any case, a lot of cats are adventurous in their own ways, but one thing is clear, they don’t need a solid reason to be this way.

Avatar: The Last Airbender Characters as Cats Fan Art

Katara is kind of the adjacent personality of Sokka, or at least it feels like it since she doesn’t always appear as ready to be utterly reckless and charge ahead, but she doesn’t shy from this type of thing either. Instead, she appears to be a little more cautious but no less friendly and definitely ready for something if it were to happen. Unlike Sokka, it doesn’t feel, from this picture, that Katara will just jump into anything half-cocked and completely unprepared, but then it’s likely that she would follow Sokka or try to restrain him from time to time.

Avatar: The Last Airbender Characters as Cats Fan Art

Toph just looks like she’s ready to prove to anyone that her blindness isn’t a handicap, which in her case it really isn’t. This is an easy assumption since from the time she was born and it was discovered she was blind, her own parents thought she was too fragile for the world and tried to protect her and coddle her, but Toph wasn’t having it as she learned both earthbending and metalbending in her own time and became quite good at it. She’s one of the many characters throughout pop culture that has been given a serious impediment that could derail many, but has worked through it and made others realize that despite being blind she’s more than capable of defending herself and others.

Avatar: The Last Airbender Characters as Cats Fan Art

Zuko had quite the story since he initially was an enemy of Aang and his group, but would at one point become their ally and in doing so help to overthrow his father and usher in a time of peace among the Fire Nation and their enemies. To say that he had an easy life would be inaccurate, but to state that he learned from his old ways and those of his father are definitely accurate. Zuko had to go through a lot of pain and indecision and also had to look at his own life and what he really wanted, but it’s easy to say that he made the right choice in the end.

Obviously, someone loved Avatar enough to go to this effort of making them all into felines with a definite lean towards their general attitudes and looks. I would say this is something that indicates boredom but this is pretty typical and it’s usually a lot of fun to look at. The different artwork presented by fans makes it clear just how much people idolize such stories and find them appealing enough to enjoy in various ways.

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