Mr. Robot looks inward and upward in its trippiest episode yet
In the opening scene of “k3rnel-pan1c.ksd”, Romeo details to Trenton the violent, sordid history of the Fun Society building they housed their no
In the opening scene of “k3rnel-pan1c.ksd”, Romeo details to Trenton the violent, sordid history of the Fun Society building they housed their no
A month after f.society took down Evil Corp, our dear friend Elliot Alderson has devolved into the most simplistic, efficient version of himself. Spinning ar
As winter begins in Westeros and the Night King heads south, the lion, the dragon, and the wolf stand head and shoulders above the world south of The Wall, a
With Dany and Sansa asserting their positions of power in Westeros, “Battle of the Bastards” takes the long route on following the course of Game
As refreshing as it is to hear Arya Stark pronounce her name in the Hall of the Faceless Men (while the annoying Waif’s face sits freshly carved on one
Like “Blood of My Blood” preceding it, “The Broken Man” is faced with the tall task of a major character reintroduction, while still s
Though a small moment in a busy hour, the death of Bran’s wolf Summer is not something to be glossed over; there’s no more symbolically naked mome
There aren’t a lot of series finales that feel true to the series before them; in the pursuit of delivering a dramatic, powerful episode that makes A Po
“The Book of Strangers” opens with a surprise Stark reunion and ends with Dany’s surprising power play in Vaes Dothrak – do I really n
With Bran’s visions, Dany’s power check, and Tommen’s lessons from the High Sparrow, “Oathbreaker” is an hour of learning for th