10 Things You Didn’t Know about Audrey Marie Anderson

Audrey Marie Anderson

It’s not hard to figure that it might be easy to lose a person in the mix every now and then, but a lot of actors tend to draw notice after a while if they can hang in there and make themselves be noticed. Audrey Marie Anderson is one such individual that has been at it for a while and knows how the game is played since she’s been doing her thing for enough years to understand it. If you don’t know the name don’t worry too much since she’s been a supporting character and has been front and center for a lot of different productions, but it’s all a matter of what you choose to watch and who’s in it when it comes to knowing who’s who. She’s been impressive in what she’s done thus far in her career, and it’s not hard to see why she’s been noticed and would be trending at this time. After all, everyone gets their day eventually and it’s well deserved in a lot of cases.

Here are a few things about Audrey you might not have known.

10. She’s currently in her 40s.

There are a lot of people in Hollywood that don’t look their age, but there are some that still look their age and seem to do so with a lot of grace. There’s no shame in admitting how old a person is, it’s only a shame when they try to deny it and don’t own up to how long they’ve been around. That doesn’t seem to be Audrey’s problem thankfully as she’s taken her age in stride and is just as energetic now as she has been in recent years.

9. Audrey has been a part of the Arrowverse.

In fact it sounds as though she might be coming back for the Crisis story line, along with a lot of other people that are being brought back in for this event. You could say that this is about to be one of the biggest moments in the CW’s history since it’s lining up a regular who’s who of stars that will be seen as the series goes along.

8. She has a decent following on social media.

It’s not so huge as to be awe-inspiring but it’s definitely enough to see that she has something of a fan base and enough people that happen to care about her career and want to see what’s happening every now and again. And it would seem that she’s on social media enough to keep everyone happy.

7. Traveling seems to be one of her big hobbies.

With a lot of celebrities this seems to be a favored pastime and there’s not a lot of surprise there since a good number of people in show business no doubt need some downtime after completing a busy schedule that consists of filming one show or movie after another.

6. She was a model for a while.

Audrey has been in front of the camera for a while obviously so it’s not that big of a deal to keep on doing what she’s become good at. A lot of women and even some men seem to get into modeling as a way to get into acting, as it seems to work for a good number of them.

5. It does seem as though she’s a bit of a foodie.

Some people don’t really care to see pictures of people’s food displayed on social media while others find it interesting. It’s definitely a matter of personal taste since it may or may not be something that folks want to see all the time. But then again, no one is making them look.

4. She’s very much into spending time with family and friends.

It’s always nice to see someone that enjoys a good time with friends and family since it does make them a lot easier to relate to in a way considering that they have very similar values to a lot of the people that might look up to them.

3. There’s an indication that she’s a lover of imagery.

There is something alluring about the right image that kind of draws the eye and sucks people in since it does seem to make a person stop and pay attention every once in a while. It could be something as simple and mundane as a sunrise or a snowy hill that doesn’t really appear all that special. There’s just something that sparks every person now and then.

2. Her net worth is around $3 million.

This is impressive really but it’s a good question to wonder whether a good chunk of it came from her modeling days or if it the majority is from acting. In any case she’s done very well for herself.

1. She’s spent some time on The Walking Dead.

Some would say this is a definite mark in her favor but others might laugh since let’s face it, TWD has been kind of on the decline for a while.

In any case, she’s been quite successful in her career.

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