Arnold Schwarzenegger Shares Concerns on AI in Film and Technology

In an era where AI is rapidly evolving, it’s not just tech enthusiasts discussing its implications. Even action star Arnold Schwarzenegger weighed in, saying at the Academy Museum in Los Angeles, Today, everyone is frightened of it, of where this is gonna go.

AI-Directed Romantic Comedy

The French film The Second Act, directed by Quentin Dupieux, takes comedic scenes to the next level by featuring a movie made entirely by AI. It has French actors playing roles in a romantic comedy knowing it’s written and directed by an AI.

Cinematic Reception

Variety‘s Peter Debruge reviewed The Second Act: Practically every scene overstays its welcome, including the otherwise smart final shot.

Killer Robots and Reality

Arnold Schwarzenegger Shares Concerns on AI in Film and Technology

Interestingly, Schwarzenegger’s portrayal of a killer robot in The Terminator was when AI was still a speculative topic. Flash forward to today, and Schwarzenegger comments on the development of AI stating, It’s not any more fantasy or kind of futuristic. It is here today.

Bing’s Copilot and Beyond

Bing recently introduced ‘Copilot,’ an AI-powered assistant that can elevate your web browsing experience with humor and assistance.

According to the developers, Copilot takes search to a whole new level, allowing you to direct the search by asking additional questions and providing content to move you forward on any task.

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