Anticipation Builds for the Unlikely Romance in My Sweet Mobster

JTBC’s highly anticipated rom-com drama “My Sweet Mobster” is set to captivate audiences with its unique blend of romance and unexpected twists.

Anticipation Builds for the Unlikely Romance in My Sweet Mobster

First Meeting Sparks Hilarity

The initial encounter between Seo Ji Hwan, played by Um Tae Goo, and Go Eun Ha, portrayed by Han Sun Hwa, is already a much-anticipated scene. Inside the club, she accidentally meets Seo Ji Hwan. He catches her when she is about to fall, but Ji Hwan misinterprets her candies for children as an illegal substance, a critical moment that sets up their dynamic.

The stills from this encounter show Seo Ji Hwan holding a broken bottle, enhancing the misunderstanding between them. With Go Eun Ha arriving on the scene and mistaking Ji Hwan’s imposing look for a threat, hilarity ensues as their confrontation leads to him being handcuffed by Go Eun Ha herself.

A Blend of Past and Present

The drama masterfully weaves together Seo Ji Hwan’s troubled past with his current aspiration to make a positive impact through his social enterprise, Thirsty Deer. This dual narrative is highlighted by an opening flashback scene featuring the Bulldog gang’s boss, Seo Tae Pyeong.

Um Tae Goo expressed eagerness to connect with viewers in this lighthearted project, stating, I typically pursue perfection in my roles, but this time I enjoyed embracing my character’s awkwardness.

Chemistry and Comedy

This romantic comedy thrives on the chemistry between its leads. Han Sun Hwa’s character is a juxtaposition to Seo Ji Hwan’s intense demeanor, bringing levity and humor. Their interactions, characterized by their baffling first impression, promise not just romance but ample comedic moments. Um Tae Goo’s noted that his character often appears clumsy in relationships despite his otherwise perfect demeanor: I am quite excited for everyone to see how awkward yet charming Seo Ji Hwan can be.

With its engaging plot and charismatic cast, “My Sweet Mobster” is poised to become a must-watch rom-com. Mark your calendars for its premiere on June 12 at 8:50 p.m. KST on Viki!

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