America’s Got Talent Season 19 Premiere Richard Goodall Receives Golden Buzzer

America’s Got Talent is back and kicking off its 19th season with a bang! Few stories from the premiere strike as much impact as Richard Goodall’s awe-inspiring audition.

America’s Got Talent Season 19 Premiere Richard Goodall Receives Golden Buzzer

A Janitor’s Dream

Hailing from Terre Haute, Indiana, Richard Goodall spent his days as a middle school janitor, often serenading the empty hallways. His passion for music blossomed during childhood, but it was his students’ encouragement that pushed him to take flight—quite literally—for his very first audition on AGT.

The Song That Changed Everything

Richard delivered a stunning performance of Journey’s 1981 hit “Don’t Stop Believin’”. From the moment he hit that first note, the audience and judges were riveted. And that’s exactly what Richard did with his audition, delivering a jaw-dropping rendition of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’” that had everyone in the audience on their feet.

America’s Got Talent Season 19 Premiere Richard Goodall Receives Golden Buzzer

A Moment to Remember

Goodall’s powerful vocals and captivating stage presence brought Heidi Klum to press the coveted Golden Buzzer, propelling him straight to the live shows. Her emotional words said it all: Richard, Richard, Richard, you knocked me off my feet! We all had the best time with you up on that stage. I really feel something when I see you up there. This is what I’m going to do for you because I love you.

An Emotional Call

After receiving the Golden Buzzer amidst a shower of golden confetti, Richard reached out to his fiancée. With tears in his eyes, he shared this life-changing moment with her: He was crying and holding his fiancée when he called her after the show, capturing both the joy and enormity of his achievement.

America’s Got Talent Season 19 Premiere Richard Goodall Receives Golden Buzzer

A Star is Born

This humble janitor has now become an inspiration for many. As Simon Cowell aptly noted: I think America is going to love you. It’s safe to say that millions of viewers are eagerly awaiting what comes next for this soulful newcomer.

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