A24 and Philippou Brothers Revel New Cast for Upcoming Horror Flick ‘Bring Her Back’

Talk to Me‘s Danny and Michael Philippou are moving forward with their next horror project, Bring Her Back, backed by A24 Productions, known for their auteur-driven films.

The directing duo Danny and Michael Philippou are on a roll. Following their successful feature debut, the horror film Talk to Me, they signed up for a range of projects, including an adaptation of the Street Fighter video game franchise, a Talk to Me sequel titled Talk 2 Me, and a secret prequel. Now, they’ve set their sights on Bring Her Back, with an intriguing lineup of stars announced.

Two-time Oscar nominee Sally Hawkins, hailed for her roles in The Shape of Water and Blue Jasmine, leads the cast. Hawkins is joined by Billy Barratt (Invasion), Jonah Wren Philips (Sweet Tooth), Sally-Anne Upton (Wentworth), and Stephen Phillips (The Leftovers). Newcomer Sora Wong also joins the ensemble.

A24 and Philippou Brothers Revel New Cast for Upcoming Horror Flick ‘Bring Her Back’

The Philippou brothers have steadily built a reputation for their unique directorial style. Their previous work, like Talk to Me, set a high benchmark by blending imaginative horror elements with clever storytelling. Danny Philippou mentioned that they retained creative control over their projects despite budget constraints: If we kept creative control over their debut feature and resisted calls to lose the Australian setting, accents, and cast,

A24 and Philippou Brothers Revel New Cast for Upcoming Horror Flick ‘Bring Her Back’

Sophia Wilde, Miranda Otto, and Alexandra Jensen’s presence in prior works like You Don’t Know Me and Annabelle: Creation, speaks volumes about their talent that aligns well with the creepy vibes that the Philippous are known for. Notably, Wilde played a crucial role in You Don’t Know Me, which underscores her versatility.


The screenplay for Bring Her Back remains shrouded in mystery as plot details are kept under wraps. Filming is set to commence this summer under the stewardship of A24 Productions, the same company behind the distribution of Talk to Me. The production is helmed by Samantha Jennings and Kristina Ceyton of Causeway Films.

A24 and Philippou Brothers Revel New Cast for Upcoming Horror Flick ‘Bring Her Back’

The Philippous remain engaged with their diverse portfolio. Besides horror, they are also dabbling in action drama projects and a documentary inspired by their journey into international underground deathmatch wrestling—a testament to their versatile creative ambitions.

A new verbal tic has taken over cinephile circles. Normal everyday people take pains to call a movie an A24 film.

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