6 Ways Scott Forrester Could Leave FBI International

FBI: International is nearing a pivotal moment in its third season, with Luke Kleintank’s departure as Scott Forrester looming large. As we brace for his final episode on May 7, fans are left wondering how the show will handle his exit. Here are six ways Forrester could bid farewell to the Fly Team.

6 Ways Scott Forrester Could Leave FBI International

Forrester Gets Fired

The Fly Team often pushes boundaries during their international missions, and Forrester has had his fair share of clashes with higher-ups. One potential exit might see him crossing a line one last time, leading to his dismissal.

This method would allow a dramatic but believable departure. However, the character has been shown to better stick to the rules in Season 3, making this option less plausible.

He Decides to Quit

After enduring numerous trials and tribulations, Forrester might simply decide he’s had enough. Leaving the FBI would allow him to find peace away from the high-stress environment of international operations. This scenario aligns with his need for a break after losing key team members earlier in the season.

6 Ways Scott Forrester Could Leave FBI International

However, with no clear hints that Forrester is ready to quit and considering his nightmarish reaction to a desk job offer back in Season 2, it seems unlikely without significant developments in these final episodes.

Forrester Takes the Fall for His Team

A self-sacrificing route could see Forrester taking responsibility for a mistake made by one of his team members. Vo is shaping up as a capable leader, potentially ready to take over post-Forrester.

6 Ways Scott Forrester Could Leave FBI International

This noble act would be heartfelt yet bittersweet. The plausibility hinges on whether there’s a substantial mistake requiring such sacrifice within the next two episodes.

Transitioning to A Different Role

Forrester might leave the Fly Team but remain within the Bureau in another capacity. Similar exits have been seen when Jaeger was promoted or Powell went undercover. This way, he could exit gracefully without closing doors for future appearances.

6 Ways Scott Forrester Could Leave FBI International

This straightforward exit doesn’t require dramatic build-up; however, questions arise about why Forrester would opt for this change given his satisfaction with leading the team so far.

The Unthinkable: Forrester Dies

A tragic yet impactful exit could see Forrester killed off. Though harsh, this approach wouldn’t be unprecedented in the FBI franchise, recalling when Julian McMahon’s Jess LaCroix was abruptly written out on FBI: Most Wanted.

6 Ways Scott Forrester Could Leave FBI International

This method is swift and final but would undoubtedly devastate fans who admire Forrester’s leadership and dedication to the Fly Team.

A Happy Ending with Kellett

The most heartwarming possibility involves reuniting with Kellett (Heida Reed). Though Kleintank himself referred to their romance ship as having sailed, they still share mutual respect and care for each other; rejoining Kellett could be a fittingly sweet departure for Forrester.

6 Ways Scott Forrester Could Leave FBI International

This scenario seems almost too perfect for a crime drama known more for its intense plot twists than fairy tale endings, but it would offer fans closure and happiness for both characters we’ve grown fond of over multiple seasons.

6 Ways Scott Forrester Could Leave FBI International

Regardless of how Scott Forrester’s journey concludes on FBI: International, Luke Kleintank’s departure will leave big shoes to fill. Tune in on May 7 to witness how it all unfolds!

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