5 Key Doctor Who Episodes to Watch Before Season 14’s Finale

As Doctor Who‘s fourteenth season picks up speed, Russell T Davies is reshaping the show’s canon in unexpected ways. To fully appreciate these changes and enhance your viewing experience before the finale, here are five standout episodes handpicked by RTD himself.

First Encounter with Susan

5 Key Doctor Who Episodes to Watch Before Season 14’s FinaleWilliam Hartnell’s portrayal of the First Doctor laid down foundational elements for the series. Susan Foreman, introduced in “An Unearthly Child,” provides a glimpse into the Doctor’s personal life and how it shaped early adventures. This historical debut explores themes essential to understanding newer narrative additions.

The Complex Relationship with River Song

5 Key Doctor Who Episodes to Watch Before Season 14’s FinaleAnother must-watch is “Forest of the Dead” featuring David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor alongside Alex Kingston’s River Song. Their intricate timeline demonstrates, The Doctor’s complex relationships across timelines add depth to the narrative. Understanding River’s story is crucial for grasping deeper aspects of season 14.

Kate Stewart and UNIT

5 Key Doctor Who Episodes to Watch Before Season 14’s FinaleThe return of Jemma Redgrave as Kate Lethbridge-Stewart is a significant development in season 14. To understand her history and importance, revisit “The Power of Three.” Here, Kate Stewart leads UNIT through a crisis, highlighting her role in defending Earth—context that’s invaluable for the current plotline.

Exploring Emotional Depth with Capaldi’s Doctor

Peter Capaldi’s tenure as the Twelfth Doctor includes emotionally potent moments. In the past two years with the 12th Doctor, He started out as rather dour, moody, grumpy and even rude, but later seasons show his growth. Watching “Heaven Sent” provides insight into his transformation and lays a foundation for narrative parallels in recent episodes.

A Riveting Introduction to Ruby Sunday

5 Key Doctor Who Episodes to Watch Before Season 14’s FinaleOne cannot overlook Millie Gibson’s role as Ruby Sunday. Viewing “The Legend of Ruby Sunday” is essential before diving into the finale. It sets up critical developments involving [Ruby] and [the Fifteenth Doctor], providing necessary backstory and emotional context.

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