28 YEARS LATER Introduces Stellar Cast for New Sequel

Reviving the Horror with a Stellar Ensemble

The anticipation for 28 Years Later, the latest sequel in Danny Boyle’s famed 28 Days Later saga, is palpably high. Spearheaded again by Boyle and scriptwriter Alex Garland, this project not only promises to continue the harrowing tale of survival but does so with an impressive cast. At the forefront are Jodie Comer, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and Ralph Fiennes, each bringing their unique heavyweight acting prowess.

28 YEARS LATER Introduces Stellar Cast for New Sequel

The Strategic Vision Behind The Selection

In a departure from earlier franchise entries which often leveraged lesser-known talent, Sony Pictures embarks on a different trajectory this time around—opting for established stars. This strategic pivot is intended to draw in a broader audience and cement the film’s place as a seminal piece in contemporary cinema.

28 YEARS LATER Introduces Stellar Cast for New Sequel

Jodie Comer, fresh off her Emmy-winning performance in Killing Eve, has shown immense versatility across various roles. She’s widely acclaimed not just for television roles but also for significant big-screen appearances such as in Free Guy and The Last Duel. Now, she joins the post-apocalyptic world destroyed by the zombie-like rage virus, promising to deliver another compelling performance.

New Horizons for Aaron Taylor-Johnson

Aaron Taylor-Johnson further solidifies his robust partnership with Sony through this film, following standout performances in Bullet Train and the much-anticipated Kraven the Hunter. Known for his diverse roles from Pietro Maximoff in Avengers: Age of Ultron to the titular character in Kick-Ass, Taylor-Johnson’s addition to this ensemble adds an exciting layer of depth.

28 YEARS LATER Introduces Stellar Cast for New Sequel

Distinguished Talent: Ralph Fiennes

Last but certainly not least, Ralph Fiennes, an Oscar-nominated actor currently wrapping up international stage performances of Macbeth, is set to bring his renowned dramatic expertise. His previous work spans monumental films like The Grand Budapest Hotel. Yet it’s his role in thrillers such as this that highlight his ability to delve into complex characters entangled in dire circumstances.

28 YEARS LATER Introduces Stellar Cast for New Sequel


The collaboration between Danny Boyle and Alex Garland has already been seen as genre-defining, and it appears set to continue that trend with 28 Years Later. As production nears commencement (The plot has been kept under wraps, but production is set to commence in the coming months.), expectations are sky-high for this next chapter in a truly iconic series.

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