10 Best Movies for Memorial Day

Memorial Day is more than just an extra day off; it’s a moment to honor those who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Film has a unique power to capture the heroism, tragedy, and complexities of war, giving us a way to remember and reflect on the past.

A Harrowing Vietnam Experience

10 Best Movies for Memorial Day

Apocalypse Now (1979) follows Captain Benjamin L. Willard (Martin Sheen) on a mission to assassinate Colonel Kurtz (Marlon Brando), who has gone rogue. The journey is as much internal as it is physical. It’s notorious for its brutal depictions of the Vietnam War’s chaotic and psychological impacts.Yet arguably the greatest war film of them all owes much to Inglenook, highlighting the film’s challenging production.

Tragedies of World War I

10 Best Movies for Memorial Day

All Quiet on the Western Front (1979) shows young German soldiers like Paul Bäumer (Richard Thomas) encountering the brutal realities of World War I, far removed from the romanticized notions they held before. Mentored by Stanislaus ‘Kat’ Katczinsky (Ernest Borgnine), they navigate death and destruction daily.

The Road Less Traveled to Freedom

10 Best Movies for Memorial Day

The Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress documents the hardships faced by a B-17 bomber crew during World War II. Restored for contemporary audiences, this classic offers a visceral depiction of bravery.

Top Gun Reboot

10 Best Movies for Memorial Day

Top Gun: Maverick (2022) rebooted a beloved story with Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell (Tom Cruise) returning to train fighter pilots. Though 80s in spirit, its aerial action sequences mark it as iconic Memorial Day viewing.

Bonds Formed Under Fire

10 Best Movies for Memorial Day

Da 5 Bloods (2020) dives into the lives of four African-American veterans returning to Vietnam to recover their squad leader’s remains—as well as buried treasure.

Sacrifices and Misrepresentations

10 Best Movies for Memorial Day

Black Hawk Down (2001) focuses on a disastrous mission in Somalia but faces criticism for downplaying international support. But while ‘Black Hawk Down’ is acclaimed for being a game changer in depicting war, it has numerous historical inaccuracies.

M*A*S*H’s Enduring Influence

10 Best Movies for Memorial Day

M*A*S*H transcends generations with its dark humor and critical look at war.The TV adaptation captured the raunchy humor and allusions to the horrors of combat while providing a platform for criticizing the war’s senselessness.

The Brutality of D-Day

10 Best Movies for Memorial Day

Saving Private Ryan (1998) vividly recreates D-Day with intense realism, following Tom Hanks as Capt. John Miller.The film follows a group of American soldiers dispatched to locate Pvt. James Ryan so he can return home after his three brothers have been killed in battle. p>

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