Piers Morgan Teases Interview With Alleged Baby Reindeer Stalker as Netflix Responds to Hysteria

Piers Morgan is no stranger to stirring controversy, and his latest guest promises to keep everyone talking. Real-life events that inspired Netflix’s hit series Baby Reindeer are back in the spotlight as Fiona Harvey, the woman claiming to be the real-life Martha Scott, is set to reveal her side of the story on Piers Morgan Uncensored.

Piers Morgan Teases Interview With Alleged Baby Reindeer Stalker as Netflix Responds to Hysteria

Morgan himself took to X to tease the exclusive interview with Harvey, hinting at explosive revelations: Fiona Harvey wants to have her say & ‘set the record straight,

What’s True About Baby Reindeer

Piers Morgan Teases Interview With Alleged Baby Reindeer Stalker as Netflix Responds to Hysteria

The limited series follows comedian Richard Gadd’s character Donny Dunn, who experiences a tumultuous relationship with a stalker named Martha after a simple act of kindness. The series not only highlights the unnerving experience but also delves into Gadd’s past trauma.

The show details the emotional toll it takes on Dunn, who has been entangled with Scott for four and a half years,explains one episode’s synopsis.

Harvey Fights Back

In response to Netflix’s portrayal of her, Fiona Harvey maintains that she isn’t a stalker. I am not a stalker; I have not been to jail; I’ve not got injunctions—it is complete nonsense, she declared during her interview.

Piers Morgan Teases Interview With Alleged Baby Reindeer Stalker as Netflix Responds to Hysteria

A serious accusation requires a serious defense. Harvey has shown she’s ready to go all out: Ms. Harvey mentioned she is prepared to defend herself in court against the allegations depicted in the series, stating that she will be taking legal action against both Richard Gadd and Netflix.

Netflix’s Silent Stance

Piers Morgan Teases Interview With Alleged Baby Reindeer Stalker as Netflix Responds to Hysteria

Meanwhile, Netflix remains tight-lipped about the accusations thrown by Harvey. Despite Baby Reindeer soaring in popularity—garnering top spots on Netflix’s charts and earning rave reviews from The New York Times and Variety—the streaming giant has yet to make any official comments concerning the real-life implications for those involved.

Netflix has not yet publicly responded to the allegations made on Piers Morgan’s show by Fiona Harvey.

Gadd’s Standpoint

As much as Gadd wanted his creative work to resonate with viewers through its stark portrayal of stalking, he also sought to emphasize a nuanced view of Martha. He told Vanity Fair: I would always take umbrage at bunny-boiler-style stories where somebody’s really normal, usually quite good-looking, and then it’s chipped away and they’re sociopathic or psychotic.

Piers Morgan Teases Interview With Alleged Baby Reindeer Stalker as Netflix Responds to Hysteria

The balance of humanizing yet portraying genuine fear marks the intensity of his narrative approach. But Gadd urges fans: Please don’t speculate on who any of the real-life people could be. That’s not the point of our show.

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