Luther Creator Neil Cross to Write Escape from New York Remake

Two years ago, the filmmaking team known as Radio Silence (noted for Ready or Not and their recent Scream entries) was poised to revive the iconic character Snake Plissken in a fresh take on John Carpenter’s cult classic Escape from New York. Carpenter himself was already on board as an executive producer for 20th Century Studios’ update.

Luther Creator Neil Cross to Write Escape from New York RemakeHowever, it is now confirmed that Neil Cross, the lauded creator of Luther, has taken over screenplay duties. This comes after Radio Silence duo Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett exited the project.

The original plot centers around a dystopian future set in 1997, where Manhattan has been transformed into a giant maximum security prison. Kurt Russell’s iconic portrayal of Snake Plissken remains one of the most memorable aspects of this cinematic gem. The film follows Plissken, a convicted bank robber, sent on a mission to rescue the U.S. president after his plane crashes in this nightmarish New York City.

Luther Creator Neil Cross to Write Escape from New York RemakeIn light of the new screenplay, Carpenter maintains his pivotal role in steering the project as an executive producer. His involvement brings a layer of authenticity and continuity from the original’s vision to its reboot.

The recent shift away from Radio Silence stems partly from the nuanced critique they have faced. Their recent success with Abigail is especially notable, having grossed $34.7 million worldwide and outperforming other contemporary vampire films like The Last Voyage of the Demeter and Renfield. Despite these achievements, Gillett acknowledged to that creating a reboot comes with unique challenges:

We are not, unfortunately. I think titles like that bounce around for a while, and I think they’ve tried to get that out of the blocks a few times. I think it’s just ultimately a tricky rights issue thing.There’s still interest in it, and we’ve had a few conversations about it but we’re not attached in any official capacity.

Cross’s involvement marks a significant turn for the project. Known for his profound narrative skill exhibited in Luther, he may avoid common pitfalls associated with remaking beloved ’80s classics:

Whannell is determined to avoid the follies of other recent 80’s remakes.

Luther Creator Neil Cross to Write Escape from New York Remake For fans of the franchise, Neil Cross’s track record promises an engaging revival that could resonate well with both old aficionados and new audiences. Although the exact narrative details remain under wraps, integrating John Carpenter’s distinct influence is likely to ensure that Escape from New York‘s gritty essence will persist.

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