Young Woman and the Sea Stars Daisy Ridley as Trailblazing Swimmer Trudy Ederle

Trudy Ederle defied the odds by becoming the first woman to swim the English Channel at just 20 years old. Allegations of sabotage by her coach in her first attempt to cross the Channel add intrigue to Ederle’s story. Ederle’s remarkable accomplishments extended beyond swimming, living to age 98 and teaching hearing-impaired children.

Young Woman and the Sea Stars Daisy Ridley as Trailblazing Swimmer Trudy Ederle

While many may be eagerly awaiting Daisy Ridley’s return to the Star Wars franchise, her latest role in Young Woman and the Sea sees her star as another character who perseveres against impossible odds. This time, however, the woman Ridley is playing is a very real and remarkable figure from sports history. The film’s subject, Trudy Ederle, became the first woman to ever swim across the English Channel in 1926, after already establishing herself as a bona fide Olympian.

Young Woman and the Sea gets all the essential basic facts right, particularly about her historic swim across the English Channel. The emotionally charged sports spectacle showcases Ederle’s difficult journey to cross the Channel, though as with most Hollywood biopics, it takes some creative liberties in bringing her story to life.

Young Woman and the Sea Stars Daisy Ridley as Trailblazing Swimmer Trudy Ederle

Charting the true story of a pioneering female swimmer who sets out to conquer the English Channel, a feat dominated by men in the early 20th century, Young Woman and the Sea tests her physical and emotional limits. Her grueling preparation and swim challenge societal expectations and perceptions of women in sports.

Ederle’s Early Start In Swimming

The film begins with a young Trudy Ederle facing measles. Her experience with this disease had lasting effects on her life, but she overcame it. In reality, Ederle started swimming much earlier than depicted; she began breaking records at sixteen instead of in her twenties.

Young Woman and the Sea Stars Daisy Ridley as Trailblazing Swimmer Trudy Ederle

Moreover, not much is known about Ederle’s family life despite their significant presence in the film. Her father was a butcher, and her mother a homemaker; she had four siblings where the film shows only two.

Sabotage Claims Against Jabez Wolffe

The closest thing to an antagonist in Young Woman and the Sea is Jabez Wolffe (Christopher Eccleston), Ederle’s coach during her first attempt at crossing the English Channel. Multiple claims explain why she dropped out; some say she was illegally touched by her team member, while others claim she was too tired. However, Ederle herself claimed that Wolffe sabotaged her attempt.

Young Woman and the Sea Stars Daisy Ridley as Trailblazing Swimmer Trudy Ederle

The film escalates this by suggesting that Wolffe drugged Ederle by slipping anti-seasickness pills into her iced tea—an event yet unconfirmed but made dramatic for cinematic effect.

A Triumph Despite All Odds

With coaching from Thomas William Burgess (Stephen Graham), Trudy Ederle finally achieved her monumental goal: She became not only the first woman to cross the English Channel but also beat male counterparts by hours. Her final time: about 14 hours and 31 minutes.

Ederle performed this feat wearing a risqué (for its time) two-piece swimsuit that went on to influence swimwear fashion.

This victory made Trudy Ederle an American hero. She was celebrated with one of the largest parades for an athlete in history and got an invite to meet the President at the White House.

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