What to Expect from Smile 2 the Highly-Anticipated Horror Sequel

The eerie success of Smile in 2022 left audiences craving more, and the speculation surrounding a possible sequel has finally been addressed. The original horror movie by Parker Finn not only garnered significant box office earnings but also resonated deeply with horror enthusiasts.

Confirmed Sequel with Official Title

While rumors initially suggested the title Smile Deluxe, Paramount officially confirmed at CinemaCon that it will retain the title Smile 2. Set to hit theaters on October 18, 2024, this announcement places fans’ expectations sky high. Parker Finn returns as writer and director, along with familiar faces like Kyle Gallner reprising his role. New additions to the cast include Naomi Scott, Lukas Gage, and Rosemarie DeWitt.

What to Expect from Smile 2 the Highly-Anticipated Horror Sequel

Box Office and Critical Acclaim

Released in 2022, Smile was a massive financial hit. With a modest budget of $17 million, it raked in over $214 million worldwide. Originally intended for a streaming release, overwhelmingly positive test screenings catapulted it into theaters where it flourished. The marketing campaign, complete with actors donning unsettling grins at MLB games, was both visually striking and financially rewarding.

What to Expect from Smile 2 the Highly-Anticipated Horror Sequel

Parker Finn on the Sequel

Parker Finn spoke to CBR about his gratitude towards the studio for greenlighting his project. Reflecting on the decision to opt for a theatrical release, he stated, I love the big screen, big sound, and communal experience; that’s how I fell in love with movies. He further expressed joy over the audience’s reactions, adding, The whole point is to make movies for audiences.

What to Expect from Smile 2 the Highly-Anticipated Horror Sequel

The Origin and Expansion

Smile 2 will expand on Parker Finn’s short film, Laura Hasn’t Slept, which also inspired the original Smile. As observed in the first movie, the thematic elements continue focusing on trauma-centric horror.

What to Expect from Smile 2 the Highly-Anticipated Horror Sequel

A Look Ahead

The anticipation grows as fans look forward to October 18, 2024. The sequel aims to delve deeper into its chilling narrative, promising both new storylines and familiar chills. Will it emulate its predecessor’s success? Only time will tell as audiences brace themselves for another round of supernatural terror.

What to Expect from Smile 2 the Highly-Anticipated Horror Sequel

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