Ultraman Rising Energizes Fans with Times Square Billboards and Collectible Toys

Fans of the Ultraman franchise have a lot to look forward to this summer as anticipation grows for Netflix’s latest animated feature, Ultraman: Rising. The promotion for the film is taking gigantic strides with eye-catching billboards taking over Times Square.

Ultraman Rising Energizes Fans with Times Square Billboards and Collectible Toys

Billboards Light Up Times Square

This week, fans strolling through Times Square will notice a standout billboard featuring artwork from the highly-anticipated movie. This prominent display aims to draw in both die-hard followers and newcomers to the adventurous tale.

Shannon Tindle, the creative mind behind the project, shared his excitement about the film’s journey to the big screen. As he put it, I never thought there would be any way I could get the rights to the characters and at that time, I couldn’t have, highlighting just how momentous this release is for him.

Toy Lines Engage Collectors

Alongside the grandiose billboards, a line of Ultraman toys has also been introduced to engage younger audiences and collectors alike. These toys range from detailed figurines of Ken Sato’s transformative moments into Ultraman and miniatures of Kaiju creatures featured in the film.

A Night at Annecy

Ultraman Rising Energizes Fans with Times Square Billboards and Collectible Toys

The film will also have its world premiere at this year’s Annecy International Animation Film Festival on June 12, building further hype before its streaming debut two days later. During the festival, director Shannon Tindle and his team will host a ‘Making Of’ panel to unveil behind-the-scenes insights regarding the production process.

The Story and Talents Behind

The narrative revolves around baseball superstar Ken Sato who returns to Japan to take on the mantle of Ultraman while balancing newfound parenthood and responsibilities with the Kaiju Defense Force.

Ultraman Rising Energizes Fans with Times Square Billboards and Collectible Toys

The voice cast features Christopher Sean as Ken Sato, alongside Tamlyn Tomita, Gedde Watanabe, Keone Young, and Julia Harriman. The visual effects are supervised by Hayden Jones, adding an impactful punch to the overall aesthetic of the film.

A Broader Reach

Netflix’s strategy doesn’t just include flashy advertisements; it extends to theatrical screenings across major cities such as New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, among others before hitting smaller markets around the globe. Fans in countries like Canada and the UK will also get a chance to witness Ken Sato’s journey up close before its broader release.

Director Shannon Tindle expressed his enthusiasm during a recent interview: I love bringing these characters to life on such a global platform. This sentiment resonates through every promotional effort made for Ultraman: Rising so far.

The Fantastic Collaboration Behind Ultraman: Rising

This animated masterpiece stems from a collaboration between Tsuburaya Productions, Netflix, and Industrial Light & Magic. With its rich heritage tied back to original creator Eiji Tsuburaya (co-creator of Godzilla), fans can expect nothing short of excellence.

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