Toxicology Report Confirms No Drugs or Trauma in Riley Strain’s System


Key Points
1. The toxicology report for Riley Strain confirmed no drugs or trauma, supporting the conclusion of an accidental death, despite his family’s lingering questions.
2. Strain’s body was found without several personal items, including his iconic boots and jeans, adding to the mystery of his final hours.
3. A cryptic final text from Strain about his drink tasting odd and the lack of water in his lungs raise further inquiries about the circumstances of his death.


The toxicology report for Riley Strain, a 22-year-old University of Missouri student, has confirmed there were no signs of drugs or trauma in his system at the time of his death. Strain’s body was found in the Cumberland River near downtown Nashville in March after an exhaustive two-week search. He had been in town for a fraternity formal and was last seen leaving Luke Bryan’s 32 Bridge bar on Lower Broadway.

Despite initial concerns about foul play, authorities quickly affirmed there was no sign of it. Strain’s tragic end has left lingering questions for his family, who have been seeking answers since his disappearance. The autopsy’s conclusion of an accidental death has closed the police investigation, but unresolved aspects, such as missing belongings and a cryptic text message, continue to fuel the family’s quest for clarity.

Riley Strain’s Last Known Movements

Toxicology Report Confirms No Drugs or Trauma in Riley Strain’s System

Riley Strain was last seen leaving Luke Bryan’s 32 Bridge bar after being asked to leave, having consumed only one alcoholic drink and two waters. Despite initial fears, the toxicology report showed no signs of drugs, supporting the police’s conclusion of a tragic accident. Authorities confirmed early on there was no indication of foul play, a sentiment echoed by the bar’s statement during the search.

Lingering Family Concerns

Family friend and spokesperson Chris Dingman highlighted unresolved questions:

“One thing that threw the family for a loop was the coroner going on record stating about the lack of water in his lungs…usually water in the lungs means they were alive when they went into the water.”

This point raises further inquiries about the circumstances surrounding Strain’s death, as water in the lungs typically indicates drowning while conscious.

Missing Personal Items

Strain’s body was found without several personal items, notably his iconic square-toed Justin cowboy boots and jeans.

Dingman remarked, “Unfortunately, the only thing that was found with him was the watch and shirt. Everything else was not with him when he was found.”

This absence of belongings adds another layer of mystery, with the family pondering what might have happened to these items and whether they hold any clues.

A Cryptic Final Text

Adding to the mystery, Strain’s mother recalled a text from Riley shortly before his disappearance, mentioning his drink didn’t taste right: “Well it tastes like barbecue.”

She advised him against drinking it further, suspecting something might have been added. However, he wasn’t at Luke Bryan’s bar at that time. The family traced his last movements through bank transactions, showing visits to several bars, including Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa and Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk, before ending up at Luke Bryan’s 32 Bridge.

A Tragic Accident Amid Unanswered Questions

Toxicology Report Confirms No Drugs or Trauma in Riley Strain’s System

Despite the autopsy and toxicology report confirming no signs of drugs or trauma, questions remain about Riley Strain’s final hours. The family has enlisted high-profile law firm Morgan & Morgan to handle potential litigation, seeking closure for their unanswered questions. While authorities maintain it was a tragic accident, the family continues to search for answers, hoping the full release of reports may shed more light on the mysterious circumstances surrounding Strain’s death.


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